Activating American Militias to take down cell towers and eliminate forced vaxxers...

in informationwar •  5 years ago  (edited)

I think this video is clear. they removed the seeds. they introduce 5g. they don't arrest the child rapists. gmo toxic food spread.

The situation isn't dire, but serious.

1 combat structure to preemptively and by revenge kill eliminate those involved in the forced vaxx coming for ncovs.

1 1 Preemptive : eliminate the forced vaxxers. they are easy to identify by their constant public push for mandatory vaccination. This is at a local / state level, from politicians, doctors, lawyers, judges... It's simple, clear the battlefield. the less agents they have, the more fearful their new recruits will be, the easier it is to win, at the public mind level (ie they have no pushers / propagandists) and secondly eliminate those doing it (so they have less agents).

1 2 revenge killing. They force medicate / vaxx you, find them, kill them and their families in back shot assassination. the goal is the same, one get them for what they did to you, and reduce the battlefield pressure.

here is a quick reply to this post for more details :

First of all thank you to repost this video that I first saw on the infowars by alex jones.

It's really for newbie a disturbing amazingly violent video.

However this is normal practice in the medical community. They are tyrants, who disregards human will routinely. You can investigate how they force medicate old people in those facilities (they drug them so they sleep and are clam, ie docile).

However from a combat structure perspective, it's important to understand how to fight it.

First once taken in their nets, it's over. they have security guards who will happily use overwhelming force on you (unless you are a true martial artists able to kill in single move rotation, ie kill more than one).

Secondly, the combat system must be based on vengeance, retribution and preemptive warfare.

It's simple, once they got you, you are done. However, you can fight another day, ie find them, and kill them, in their homes with their families.

And that's the first aspect, once medical tyrants and their security goons, are executed in the street by those they forced "medicated", they will understand there is the ultimate price to pay.

To understand clearly, it's not about justice, ie no frontal movie execution style, nope, it's raw, fast and cartel way, ie always in back. wait they go out, point, click, move...

the guy can be the biggest security guard, and as bruce lee even said, from the back, a gun, point click, chest, second shot in the floor to head (clean kill) and go.

then it's just a question of rinse and repeat until the whole medical tyrants, with 100-200k, to 200'000 assassinations understand. that's not possible they succeed.

Understand fully, there is no laws, nothing, they have cornered it all a long time ago, there is only violence.

Furthermore by having a decentralized, shadow lone wolfing, common goal combat structure, it's really possible to defeat them, without any real causalities or arrests...

the real goal and hardest part is to forget the vengeance talk, or things like that, just a clean flow mindset... find the home, wait, back, shot, fall, headshot, move.

this is one of the key ways to stop the spread.

it's counter occupation tactics, in an unfederated way...

in short it's taking the best of alquaeeda and the talibans to apply death to the enemies.

  1. damaging their telecommunication infrastructure. Shooting cell towers and energy distribution systems are very easy to do... point and click. the less tower and energy they have the harder it is for the civilian police to fight in suburban and or urban battlefield. furthermore it permits to create social chaos, seeding the looters, so that they are fully saturated, and can't apply the force vaxx agenda.

  2. taking over the seed supply. wall mart and co are full on with the depopulation agenda, they knew all along the impact of toxic food (100'000'000 hypertension victims in the us alone) child cancer rate etc...

remember victory belongs to the brave, while the sheep get slaughtered.

will you be like the natives? or will you fight like the pioneers?

will see... rest assured it's a war, and they intend to win, do we?

it's sad to have to come to there, but be certain, they understand ONLY VIOLENCE, only. their words are just crap sound to try to domesticate us, for them to gain time, to accomplish their agenda, and in this agenda, they want us dead. will they be first?

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