but the problem, let's say I buy batch 12344.129485 of hypersonic short range missiles (hard to do) and in next batch of EW there is a way to counter batch 12344.129485 and his deployed (of course) and those who bought (not me :D) are adversary of china...
I mean...
but I think it's simple...
there is fire and forget for sidewinders
same for sells...
and then all the maintenance and others firmware updates... maybe selling xm1158 is simpler :D.
good luck !
as long as PLA 1st all is good with me :D.
(each time I start to just breeze over the surface of a chinese situation, I am always baffled by Xi and his predecessor and his and their sc and co... it's so complex ! it's nice to have such a patriotic and competent and dedicated experts...
1 China !