I hope he dies like a worthless sleazbag ! I hate so much all those people, and wait to see his picture !
So yes fuck you jean pierre !
why such joy against a man who apparently did nothing to me?
let's recap :
worthless bcz :
- supported the white genocide and population replacement
- supported plants illegals : from poppy to coca to the majetic cannabis !!!!
- worthless propagandists always keeping the old in the "trance"
- supported the pedos like polanski and co.
so I hope he dies and takes all those bastards sons and daughters of whores working with him !
Vengeance !
you wanted to jail me for 100kg of raw weed? (if you want to real clean pure thc raw extract, like it's done on instagram in colorado you need tons :D), so please, let me enjoy...
and yes this is his personal cock sucker...
worthless bimbos.