If you lived in Irak before 1945, which religion / sect / group would you have wished to meet?

in informationwar •  4 years ago 

FRom jewish to shai to sunni to suffi to shia to christian to those bathing in the river in their white dress to the yazidis... maybe are you more kurdish interested?

meanwhile in area controlled by the vatican organization only one religion is allowed :

the UNO / global agenda religion.

all the rest is prohibitied, fought and censored.

very interesting to reflect furthermore to the historical context

where even the roman gods were memory holed, the greek pantheon, the spiritualism pre roman formalism (but respected, who cares, they may be right :D) to anything you wished...

all gone.

jews survived by keeping a low profile.

and the protestants wanted just to take the jewish regulated lending monopoly like the free masson before them.

real history of the west? real western culture? who knows... just pixels.

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what is a bigger shame in all of this? the betrayal of the us miic... you have burned your flag under the rapes of pedogate, the last drop, all seen in your election theft support... what a shame to you, as soldeirs, men, father, sons and americans. for eternity, you names will be remember as the greatest treasonous generation to have ever lived. because you knew. those who can nuke understand easily what I just pixelized, thx for the tech.