The worm is the idea itself: how to have a jewish state when there are so many different jewish way of life.
I had the chance to know a lot of jews. here are few examples :
the jew who married his first jewish girl love and went the family life to never cheat on her.
the same who cheated on her.
the one who went for the gentile and was dumped, broken hearted
the one who went for the gentile girl and cheated on her
the one who went anti pork
the one who eats porks.
the one who eat sea food but not porks...
and the list goes on...
I don't know jewish lesbians...
but I think the problem is clear.
the thing is that the religious in isreal have a tendency to believe they are right following the will of fictional deity.
they remember me to the roman at the age of the oracles, where cheats and liars and manipulators were able to con and scame decisions, leading to great chance but more often than not in abject failures.
so how is it possible to have an "israel".
when some are completly retarded bolshevicks living the dream being the slaves of kibutz leaders?
and how to reconcile them with the masters of wall street?
we can't play poker anymore? wanting to rule our lives from their little books and reflections?
what is this crap?
who the fuck they pretend to be.
those wanting "peace with the muslims", those wanting eretz israel to china, those wanting djedha...
I mean, it's a mess !
the eco jews ( I understand them to be in the plumes of levianthan is mortal, no need to be medic to get it, cancer cluster in the making).
but all of this is not my problem, it's more a question...
my problem and those are seriously mortal for israel : the epstein / mossad connection, the weintein / black cube connection... the uss liberty incident, the weapon transfer to SU / china / russia...
and those supporting the united nations...
in short, you protect them? you will die with them.
I reuse my framework of yesterday...
if the child rapists of israel are the target (and they are), the us dod, cia fbi are the armors, the shield are the civilian jews... and if we have to defeat it all to get to them, so be it ! I have no problems.
there is no point in having free speech or a2 and children raped. In short I prefer to sacrifice it all, a1 and a2 to get to the child rapists. And anyway, a1 and a2 aren't americans, they are "universe given laws", I can say that it's a difficult choice to harvest a star... the lion will roar, and the panda smile.
this is the problem with the slavemaster mindset, there is no discussion to have with it, just to chop it.
another good example...
is the story of the wild sheep herd on the slope of the volcano...
once upon a time ( I would have loved to do a dinosaur version, but apparently some of you believe the world is 5000 years old), there was a wild sheep herd...
they were grazing on the bottom adn slope of a volcano... so good grass...
one day an event happen (some say a storm others a blitzes) who knows... but a part of the herd felt in the crater... It was splendid lush and green !!! the sheep feasted and reproduced (the volcano was sleeping)...
one day the pack, a true pack, of wolves, ie 2472 wolves arrives to this hunting ground... the volcano spot...
it was a long time they didn't pass...
and so the groups were made (those you call pack, 3-1x) groups, and the hunt began... for days, sheep were dying and slaughtered...
until one day, the true pack started to remerge...
there was tension...
we could feel it, smell it... there were still sheep in the area... but where?
so the lead ask a group to climb the slope, on the proposal of an idiot... let's check...
and the group went, playing, until they saw at the edge...
the dream...
corned massive sheep...
silently and swiftly as they were thaught back to the pack...
the pack moved...
and saw...
a few precaution were done, it was hard to climb back, so they moved branches and bones and build a ramp in silence...
and moved down...
the feasts is still know to this day...
once it was over an all the sheep had been eaten,
they left...
a few days later, this immense crater became fire again...
so what is the moral of the story?
we want ghislaine and all those involved in the child rape pedogate and as you didn't , israel is doomed.
so to save a few of yours, like in the uss liberty, you became our enemies.
that's sad, I was very favorable to israel, you wasted it.
furthermore this multi ethnic state is a threat to us, you can't be on one side with us and the next day against us...
you failed, again.
Octavian would have come to the same conclusion.
but rest assured france is no better...
our only goal is to preserve China from your ways... this weakness, those cover ups, this lack of honor, this indignity to humanity... we can't tolerate it.
personally, it has put into question my imperialism... shouldn't I move to the white world? after all, it's the easiest and safest way for me to have a fundational back bone... at least it's easier to trust, build and purge, no one can accuse me of racism or hate wanting to kill a white pedo.
conclusion you have failed. I can't trust you anymore...
and that's the thing you didn't get, it takes years to build trust, and only one event to lose it definitively...
or resaid : you had credits and you burned it on child rape, our children... unforgivable (and the christians opposing it, are just like you, feed).