Judeo-leftism ideology theory in progress - the real symbolism of america : feodalism to create permant rapeable sex toys and cannon feeders

in informationwar •  4 years ago 

I don't think that judeolefitsm exists.

in short it wants to destroy the haredims / orthodox. according to them :

there should be no religion
but a global state with them at the top (bolshevism 101)
they believe they have a divine right to rule based on not religious doctrines.
they believe that this new world order, the destruction of the western population (from wicked arts, to pedophilia, to fiat social impolosion, to destitution) are necessary for eternal peace and to revenge from ghettos pogroms etc, the fall by TItus the great.
they believe a court of law shall decide who is jewish
they don't see palestinians or israel as entities, as all will be ruled by them under their nwo new men project from tel aviv but called jerusalem
they want my money !
they believe in collectivists farming.

but it's just a theory...

now the real symbol of america is on all dollar bill... it's the pyramid above, floating, where they can rape, loot, feodalise and dynastize, where they are above the crowd, guiding by occultism their slaves.

a cool picture is pedoisland :


and to compare with public real hospital inside hte usa, covered in mold, desituted with blacks with mini brush to remove dust (a classical).


of course there are no pictures, they want you to believe it's like in the tv show urgency...

for them, the bailed, on the fed bandwagon, paid to be blind to the destruction of the republic...

it's better than urgence rest assured... even at home

vs the reality :

symbol :

them... above, untoucheable (my indian real problem)...

so opinions? denials? who cares... it will end soon... (maybe a few centuries... but it won't last :D, it can't).

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