that's the thing with "ballistic missile" anyone can arms them with anything...
plague warfare plague warfare not for the fainted hearth...
What did the idiot law professor want a "world law" (and as such a world gov) meant with "gain of function", because like all who can't speak straight he always said it "gain of function" what the fuck it's just gmo, or as said chimera or biomesh... nothing fancy...
the "gain of function" for him I guess it's just the fact that it's a virus meshing... okay, but for me the term would be more that the virus is designed to be an aglomerator... ie that it mesh rna/dna strands to grow :D. But I don't think it can be synthetized yet, I think it's more a natural process of evolution or virus life :).
but yeah the question remains, already 2019-0.2 or are we further in the curve? and what will this virus naturally evolve with in the wild?
at least there are air filtration system on porshe cayennes, private jets, penthouse and private yachts, until the filter maintenance routines starts...
he he he...