Q: What's your plan?
A: We wait for the Second Coming !
Many of you will laugh, me too !
Is it a serious plan?
I don't know, I think it's more the products of a relatively safe environnement, I am not sure that war experienced civilians have still the same dream and attitude.
I am curious how many of those second comers experience hardship? Saw the entire women in their families raped, the men assassinated before their homes and such atrocities, like miles of dying, rotting corpses?
I think none.
I believe, it's the denial of luxury.
or maybe I am wrong... but I don't think so...
and this little message is very sad, because before writing it, it made me laugh, now it's just contempt, with a smirk, because, they are very special...
just imagine what would happen to the isrealis if they applied the "second coming principles"...
and it leads me to think, that this strategy is just a plan of the corrupt child rapists wanting to have cattles...
why they don't raise bulls but cows? even the rooster leads !!! And if you think about the fact that the rooster is proud fluffly descendants of the dinosaurs, his species is clearly well hedged for the "end of time" ! from the wild to the most artificial...
conclusion, after jade rabbit, next a rooster is going to the moon ! Alive ! If a moon base can't handle a rooster, it really not that solid nor safe...
ahhh, they all say they are great enginners, great scientifist, great men of wiseness and knowledge, and can't even handle a rooster in space... wait for the bull...
ahhh that makes me laugh again, first the space roosters, to prepare the fields for the space bulls !
the moon farm, way more fun than the moon base... and what I love is that it humilate those "new pop stars"...
look at me playing guitare... what the fuck...