tada! simple...
or not
logic :
wear mask... dr gao (china man), andrew, asia, me... coronachan... 101... but
if you wear masks...
no vaccines needed...
no vaccines... no control, no domination, no cnn hero... ohhh...
bad bad
bad bad
on what you seek...
good healthy herd, naturally...
or industrial things... or "beings" to be polite in their suffering...
nutrients, vitamins, clean food, water... moderate sport... like ajex jones repeated and knew by listening to great experts and or informed common sensical individuals...
exactly the enemies of cnn herder...
first diorient, then replace, then lead to the slaughter house... cnn job.
for me , the most inhuman act is forced vaccination / medication, it's along rape... it's so dishumanizing, so denying the will of the individual... shepard... if the goat is ordered by God, to go there... what are you, by fielding it? ohhh.... intersting question. to whom belonged those eaten wines?
then on a personal note, I critized a lot, but I am the most shameful... afraid of this, again of death, when in the dunyah... it's true kuffarism... very weak... it's the big crossing... the other side...
I am not your leader , nor what ever... not easy... to not fear the unknown...
ps mask are cool, they make the air moister, do masks work in hainan, soon? but like everything too much of masks? micro praticules of masks? heeheh... what I am saying is that mask dependence isn't the path forward... saying that gretthas didn't understood co2 = not pollutant or toxic... dust... carbon dust... yes... etc...