I came to the hypothesis that western society have the goal of creation social conditioning or enslavement by outcasting large part of the domestic population, and replace them with foreigners who they believe will be more compliants to the diktats of the artistocracy... they do that by promoting them, ie social perks.
However the darkside is for the exporting nations... and how to win back your children?
it's easy, if you wish to be little autocrats living in palaces with slaves around you, ie a less covert western model, you will fail, however if you build the next golden age of your civilization you will pawn the west, as your children will return...
because your used as the new middle men of the western aristocracy will quickly understand that their children (your grand children) will be subjected to the same domination / selection process as the natives... in a foreign world / culture...
I waste my time...
who are the best aristocratic analyst to read? the masters of enslavement ? the leading edge of social engineering and gate keeping? how to domesticate a population to make it servile and docile? or did anything changed since the phirao... I think not much, they are just slaves to be... so afraid to die, they prefer to forget they will... all ways. the hopeless quest of the slaves and his master to live :)... those people...