What happened to your aclimated historical Cannabis? Did you kill them all on the order of the rockfeller through the UN for a global police state? "ebers" papyrus?

in informationwar •  4 years ago 

So when there was PBUH, there was, did you genocided them all?

It's not a judgment, we all do mistakes, but God !

However it's a question, if maybe some survived by themsleves, or were helped by the rashidoons (or justs (at least to me)).

Then how to punish them, is of course the next question, those who to serve a foreign people and ideology have killed their own plant heritage, "for a profit at wall street".

egypt? there is a lot of "records" or "time capsules", I wouldn't be surprised that the enemies of life, of the plants of the creation, even suppressed historic records.

700AD who is this phirao

and why would have it reached faster south africa, than egypt... the nile flows north...

it's funny how plant genetic and history reveals the lies of so many people...

and how so many people are so weak and brainwashed by lies, aka living the trans-generational matrix of lies, they believe to be real.

ps; I am realizing I am confused with the AD - BC...

and this fucking ball in china is 5000 year old.

so let's recap were there are medical records ; egypt - greece - rome - the yahoodis for a starter in the western world or mediteranean world...

but that's real :

I think like everything not cleared from the past lies, there is a lot of confusion :

I trust the chinese :


and my problem is that THC and others active molecules from the plant are necessary to it's health... in short legalized hemp like in france, are I guess designed to require more "chemical support"...

crony capitalism / regulatory capture / lives ruined > nuremberg style trial... or not. US state chose not to go the nuremberg route. it's not a bad idea to forgive, but not all things (pedogate).

and there they say that "napolon brough canabis back from egypt to france" thank you very much but rome - egypt - france were medically unified since a certain roman powned those people... and I read that napoleon did the contrary...

so back to : genesis...

11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.

ahh let's ask interesting, interested and studying people who aren't afraid to go against "the grain", like for example the "rockfeller" or the "DEA" or the "WH"... so what are the levis / rabbis reading above in their language.

maybe even what I believe to be the genesis may not be...

what is the latest sentence of genesis? or is there a reverse of genesis? a book of the end? hmm hmm...

ebers papyrus - ramses 2... okay... it stars... to be more empirically based.

@healthranger did you read the ebers papyrus?

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