Why are poorly designed intelligence agencies prone to exploitation by pedophile networks?

in informationwar •  5 years ago 

This is a serious and fundamental question in the design of intelligence agencies. And we all know what are the terminal results of a praetorian guards gone ashtray.

Recently this comment surfaced : "I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.” in the great epstein saga by the plea deal maker.

Could it be? The problem is that the answer is YES ! sadly.

In the world of civilian intelligence, the plague of abuse against women can expand pretty quickly and not be detected. But why? what makes the nature of civilian intelligence organization so prone to sexual abuses against women?

I think there is a lot of similarities with the catholic church and that lesson should be taken from there.

Is an intelligence agency role to exploit employees (officers, my apologize to your high esteem) in tasking them with using their sexuality to achieve objective?

For me, this simple thing, is outright treason ! And I don't mince my words. Moreover it's an abject failure and demonstration of total incompetence ! I refer my self to the movie corned beef, where the male agent discover that his female wife was fucking some stranger...

If you understand masculine sexual dynamic using the hypergamist behavioral framework the conclusion is simple, this man is right !

So by using the sexual intimacy of female employees (I can't help myself), those doing it have in reality already betrayed the nation they pretend to defend, and their long agony to the fall has only begun.

The systemic consequences to the female psyche, spirit and capabilities to love will already be damaged so much that the ripple effect will only have started to spread, and culminate in the implosion of the nation, if nothing is done to stop it.

Some will say, it's a good way to gain trust and access... undeniably, but is it worth it? If it was so worth it, wouldn't it be too slow?

That's one critical difference already identified. When it's critical, there is by definition not time to build trust.

Secondly, when it's about infiltrate, is intimacy the best way to gain relevant access? or maybe other more critical competences should be used? who will know more about an organization, it's accountants or the one fucking the leadership of it?

So where this practice of using the females of the nations as sex slaves for intelligence agencies leads to?

That when this degeneracy is being applied, sooner or later, they (the infiltrators from the pedo networks) will start to speak about infiltrating the pedo network, and to infiltrate, they will want do like them, they said... of course...

and you think I am a fool... So, they say we are gonna investigate, we are gonna infiltrate, we are gonna rape children, for the greater goods... When a civilian agency has reached this point of depravity, it's time to clear the mess...

But as this could be bad, there is another possibilities that I get : using the autonomous cells to operate a pedo network inside a civilian intelligence agency ! that's in short the ultimate scam !

Once this is done, it will be hard to find and uproot.

The problem with most humans, good or bad, is that they have a lot of difficulties to admit their failings. It asks a lot of confidence in oneself and a lot of trust in the others. As it's always easier to put the skeleton in the closet or push the shit under the carpet, and more importantly how hypergamie doesn't foster transparency and sees failures as unforgivable, as all threat to the social status can be deadly, there is a lot difficulties to up root those infiltration in an efficient and public transparent way.

And it's a shame ! First because if already in a time of relative peace, there is such a problem of trust and confidence, all those bandages will explode in a time of war, against what I create, the perfect army :)

you have no chance, your lies will be exploited, and your own population that you control through lie will be disadvantaged. Every single little edge seems pathetic in itself, but when compounded, they make the real difference.

What system will turn most foe into friends? the one who forces their females to be raped for secret? those who allow their soldiers to rape?

Good luck against us !

You own wives will ask for defense from us against you !!!

And that's the moment we have fucking won the war without even fighting ! And don't get me wrong, or fear it, if we can maintain such a level of discipline and moral among all the ranks, military and civilians, only imagine what we can produce on the battlefield...

So what to do?

First isn't detection, but elimination !

Protocol the elimination of the pedo rapists infiltrators is the most important thing, so that it could be the vice roy of the most powerful intelligence agency or the newest recruit, the same applies. For those praying on women, against their will, or in the case of the pedo rapes, or those forcing those serving to be used as sexual objects, I don't believe in mercy, nor pity, nor earthly salvation, aka they must die, as it's the only approved and guaranteed way to stop their individuals illegal activities and the most efficient way to dissuade others to copy their behaviors.

Then in itself detection, is problematic, it's spy after all, however the design can avoid, prevent and then detect the illegal behaviors.

I think that this designing must be public ! there is no reason that the way reviews are conducted isn't designed publicly.

To get back to my catholic church point, what is this priest doing in this little church at the end of the world?

So it's foremost a public policy issue, when the pope says no more to pedo rapists inside the cato church, victims may have more liberty to speak when asked by the reviewers.

How to maintain the independence of the reviewers? because it's the next natural target that the pedohackers will try to control...

It comes back to the death penalty aspect, eliminating weakens, jailing only stocks...

I will just say that the hypergamist trend of the 3rd wave feminism is doing a lot of damages to the socio cultural values necessary to have the right mindset in this matter... and that this long struggle of the females will be soon solved by the AIs...

If physical manifestations of AIs have to "reproduce", the woman body is quite the most inefficient and least scalable system to expand, and when it comes to destroying, have you never seen a male chicks grinder in action?

and please, if you are a female working in this kind of stuff, and they make you believe that it's important and a worthy sacrifices, think deeply, and understand it's a fucking lie ! If it was important it would be my men who would be doing it, and I promise, you are fucking too weak to even think about they do...

we seek :


what you shall do :


(and they will try to retain you, you are their herds)

but we will find you :


So please don't let them prey on your ego, refuse, leave, and repeat it after me, if it was important they wouldn't ask me... don't get fooled... what can you do against the storms troopers? We want, we get ! And don't forget that highest applied expertise in combat intensity is in the shortest time frame. And don't forget that the pain of unframing is quite real, and only a symptom of healing...

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