It's simple, pedogate. Always ready to boast about usa usa usa, always pride beyond reason, always the best, blah blah blah.
A2? for what? seeing the american pedophiliac-cracy...
I don't need to say more, but that the reactions of "we the people" as been more telling that a millions pictures, words or what ever...
despicable is too little.
And worst I am humilitated. In the sense that I supported such a monstreuous nation. Shame on me. Shame on my stupidity. Shame on my ignorance.
How could I felt so low, how could I be so stupid. Saying that propaganda is very advanced isn't an excuse.
I think what saved me is tv, to be able to watch others. And not be fully brainwashed by ignorance and stupidity.
I hope I will not fall so low again, even if I have my doubts... at least I am recovering... slowly.
but this disappointment is beyond... it shouldn't have been. It could have been otherwise.
but seeing how the people of the united states of america tolerate this pedogate... hopelessness or resaid, grieving the loss, is only compensated by China ! ahhh China....