Is Trump Forced to Eradicate AIDS?steemCreated with Sketch.

in informationwar •  5 years ago  (edited)

You saw it here first—unless you heard his latest speech. Trump is so good at being President; He will fix AIDS within the next ten years. This kind of claim isn’t something you might imagine for a SOTU address.

In this post, I will explain why he may have made such a bold statement.

2019 SOTU:

If AIDS was so easy to fix that the only thing required is the will of a president, they could have done it long ago. What they did instead was to turn the disease into a cash cow. A way in which to bilk millions worldwide of all their money as they lay dying. Many times; This was because of the very chemical agents, retooled and prescribed to treat the virus.

In the 80s, the first attempt to treat AIDS was with a failed cancer drug called AZT. Doctors couldn’t use azidothymidine on cancer patients as intended because it didn’t work. By the looks of the label, the drug most likely ended up killing patients before their respective tumors could.

They say the antiretroviral drugs on the market today are so effective that someone diagnosed with HIV in their 20s can live up and into their 70s just so long as they are consistent with the medication. So, how did AIDS become relevant enough to garner a mention from the president himself?

That's a fantastic question. I'm so glad you asked! If you've been following the latest news in the Coronavirus outbreak, you'll have learned that it's a bioweapon that most likely escaped from a level IV bio lab from the Wuhan province in China. This particular virus has a subset of some very unique characteristics. One of them is the fact that the virus has the same transmission tool as HIV.

VIDEO: Banned.Video/channel/5b885d33e6646a0015a6fa2d
So, what does this mean? It means some asshole in a laboratory gave a bat-derived coronavirus the proboscis of the original AIDS virus and sprinkled in there some SARS related elements for good measure. Whether or not the Chinese are responsible for this outbreak is unknown, and we may never know. God knows how many double and triple agents are in the bioterror industry.

So where does humanity find itself this early into 2020, a year that would have been more joyous with flying cars, time machines, and hoverboards? We find ourselves at a place in time where HIV must get cured immediately before any more bio-terrorists tinker w/the new coronavirus.

Granted, that'll probably spell the end of the multi-billion dollar a year AIDS industry, but it's an extraordinarily small price to pay to ensure the survival of the species. And if these nefarious pharmaceutical companies want to continue to make a profit, they're going to have to cut their losses. For how else can they peddle their wares if no one is left to buy them?

UPDATE: Since having written this article, I’ve noticed that the recent SOTU isn’t the first time the President has talked about tackling Cancer and AIDS. Trump also mentioned this in the 2019 State of the Union Address, and this brings up so many more disturbing questions. E.g., was the virus created before or after he declared that we’d find a solution to these diseases?

Also, was Trump privy to the fact that biosafety labs were pursuing the HIV vector for a bioweapon? There are far too many questions and speculative avenues that one could go down. I’m not a coincidence theorist, and seeing as how his promises seem to coincide with a coming bio-attack, was disturbing enough, to say the very least.

There’s some speculation that the virus affects Asians more than it does other races, and so, therefore, the fact it got released in China where it is causing a great deal of harm opens it up to the possibility that this was not an accident but perhaps a bio-attack on the Chinese. If that were the case, who did it? Did America do it? Was it an escalation in the trade war? Perhaps an equal and opposite reaction (or overreaction) to the fentanyl problem?

The image above is brought to you courtesy of Pixabay.

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War on AIDS....LOL

IKR, they got jokes, their jokes got jokes!

Very lucid, relevant, and rational post.

Regarding curing cancer, recent advances seem promising.

"A newly-discovered part of our immune system could be harnessed to treat all cancers, say scientists."

Given the lymphopenia 2019 nCoV is causing, curing AIDS has taken on a new urgency, particularly given the prospect of airborne AIDS combined with potentially lifelong virulence of survivors. Economic losses or profits are only material if there is a society extant to experience them, after all.


Thanks, VC, It’d be nice if they were earnestly doing something in the realm of solving various diseases. But if they’re just doing so now because they’re forced to, that’s sad. I’m reminded of the salt iodization they had to do to hide the goiter epidemic after the nuclear testing from the 1950s. If it’s just an emergency contingency, and they had the ability all along, it’s shameful. I’m of the mindset that a lot of technology that we’ve collectively paid for many times over in the form of taxes and whatnot is actively and maliciously suppressed.

It is deadly, you're right.

We can at least try to find cures to diseases like AIDS, HIV, the Bill Gates 2019 Novel Corona Virus, etc, to the extent they don't already have natural remedies. In other words, some things can already be curable. Cancer can be curable. Not always but there are many things we can do. But I agree that we can always do better. We can and should try harder.