Hello dear friends. Got any plans for the weekend? How about packing up the family, and heading on over to your local sexual health clinic. Treat the fam to a good ol’ HIV test?
After all, it’s about breaking down barriers for the LGBTQHIV folk. Who would instead of dealing with their infection, continue to go on infecting others.
Hey for some, ‘pozing’ others unknowingly is a fetish. But that’s a very small subhuman subculture of CHUD. But, I digress.
Wow, a National day for testing... for HIV... Well, I suppose they have a day for everything these days, so why the hell not? Just another great way to collect DNA for the Data base.
SWAB NEW WORLD: They’ll Have your DNA, And Charge You Too.
Well, who is a high-risk individual? To answer that let’s look at who makes up the majority of those already infected by the HIV.
From the Canadian government website:
Summary: Estimates of HIV incidence, prevalence and Canada’s progress on meeting the 90-90-90 HIV targets, 2016. (Wow interesting number that 90-90-90. Let’s flip it 06-06-06... gee... well, you can draw your own conclusion from that)
“Estimated number of people living with HIV at the end of 2016 The Agency estimates that approximately 63,110 people were living with HIV (including AIDS) at the end of 2016 (range between 55,500 and 70,720). This estimate represents a 5% increase from the estimated 60,165 (range between 52,900 – 67,430) at the end of 2014 (Table 2, Figure 6). The estimated prevalence rate in Canada at the end of 2016 was 173 per 100,000 population (range between 152 and 194 per 100,000 population).
Of the estimated 63,100 people living with HIV in Canada at the end of 2016:
Nearly half (49.1%) were among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men; 14.6% were among people who inject drugs; Heterosexual contact among people born in Canada or in a country not on the HIV-endemic list, and heterosexual contact among people born in a country where HIV is endemic, represented 17.6% and 15.0%, respectively, of this total; Slightly less than one in 10 was Indigenous (9.6%) with an estimated 6,055 Indigenous people living with HIV at the end of 2016. This represents a 5% increase from the 2014 estimate of 5,760. The resulting estimated HIV prevalence rate for Indigenous people in Canada in 2016 was 362 per 100,000 population, two times higher than the prevalence rate in the general population; About one in five was female (23%) and this proportion is similar to what was estimated for 2014.”
Appears to be on a steady rise. Almost seems to follow the progressive push for lgbtqwxyz in mainstream culture. However, it’s not these people’s fault. They are victims of their entertainment mind control, eating genetically modified junk. They cannot think beyond the selfie-culture to see their own poor life choices are a dead end street. Can you blame them though? It’s kind of hard to see the bigger picture when all you hear from the media and the government is just how awesome and wonderful you are for just for being. (Nothing earned)
The LGBT Agenda: Pride&Population Control
Well hold on a moment. If they are going in to be tested. Why would you be asking them how they contracted the virus, if they don’t even know whether they have HIV or not? Hence, the testing! Morons!
Shame my ass! If I thought I had a life threatening illness, you can be sure AF! I’m going in to get tested and make sure my contact with other people are limited, until I know I’m in the clear. Again though, selfie-culture dictates a complete disregard for others.
Maybe they should make it mandatory for these ‘high risk’ individuals to come in for test once a year. Why not? They want to force my kids to get vaccinated, just so that they attend public school. But, noooo, those poor gays need everyone else to go get a HIV test (DNA databased) just so gay men have the courage enough to do so themselves. Nonsense! I don’t believe that narrative one bit!
The treatment for HIV is free ffs! I feel bad for those poor people born with life long diseases, who have to spend a fortune to live a half decent existence. It’s not like they did that to themselves through their own high risk behaviors.
Then again, the government loves HIV. They want more people to contract it and spread it. They want degenerative lifestyles perpetuated because they are dead end lifestyles. No children, no family, no future.
The name of the game is depopulation.
"The old world is coming to an end. It will be replaced with a new way of doing things. The new world will be called the "New World Order."
This new structuring will re-distribute property from the "have" nations and will give it to the "have- not" nations. The New World Order will include changes in:
The Family:
homosexual marriages will be legalized, parents will not be allowed to raise their children (the state will) all women will be employed by the state and not allowed to be "homemakers", divorce will become ex- ceedingly easy and monogynous marriage will be slowly phased out,
The Workplace:
the government will become the owner of all of the factors of production, the private ownership of property will be outlawed,
religion will be outlawed and believers will be either eliminated or imprisoned, there will be a new religion: the worship of man and his mind, all will believe in the new religion."
Just one pill a day
Because after all, your government loves you!
Come on, and get positive with HIV!
I’ve got nothing else I want to say. I’ve said it all before. I have no hate for the people (victims) who have the misfortune of contracting HIV (because of their own high risk lifestyles). My vitriol lies with the agenda to normalize the virus itself. This is not a normal virus. It has a strange origin for one thing. Regardless for that, this is not something you should just take a pill and go on your way, banging anything that moves. There’s more to life than your next copulation. There’s more to you than your sexual identity.
Thanks for reading and until next time
Reporting from the BRAVE NEW WORLD, I am...
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