in informationwar •  6 years ago 


"Nobody chasers in the head of others," says a proverb, and it is absolutely true. In 1998, the radical economic and political failure of the Soviet Union and its unfortunate Cuban imitators, as well as those of East Germany and all the so-called satellites of Communist Russia, had already been seen. And the result obtained by the Chinese was also seen when leaving communism behind (although they continued to use the word, but in reality the Chinese regime is a ferocious dictatorship politically, which is based on a tradition of nearly three thousand years and in which, if they left it behind, the country would dismember, but economically it is absolutely neoliberal and does not even disguise it anymore).

The absolute failures of those countries demonstrated beyond all doubt that communism is an aberration, that it impoverishes and saddens the peoples and makes the happiness of the majority impossible. The Russian governments and those of their satellites did everything they could, through violence, torture and systematic persecution, to avoid being removed from power, but ultimately even failed, largely because the essential element of communism is corruption , which also relies on lies and bad faith, and that shed does not support a blow of honesty.

And with regard to the economic, there is another saying that applies to communism and its expropriations and its desire to prevent the initiative of private enterprise: "The eye of the master fattens the horse." Never, at any time, public companies have worked. A notable exception was PDVSA, because its headquarters was managed as a private company, and policy was prevented at all costs from influencing its administration.

Hence the famous meritocracy, which was eliminated at a stroke by the barbarian Hugo Chávez with the results we all know. And a third saying that we can apply to the Venezuelan reality is "Better a bird in hand than a hundred flying", which in this case would not apply to the government but to the opposition: the political parties, with all the difficulties involved in working in a dishonest and traitorous military dictatorship, they have some power, and they know that when there is a true democracy they will have to compete with each other and it will be even harder for them to survive.

Some, like Acción Democrática, solve it by having pacts and businesses that are not clean, under the belt, with the Chavez government, others prefer to beat and bite their rivals within the opposition to join with others to seek the end of the regime. And something similar can be said of the businessmen, who are satisfied with crumbs and do not want to act decisively against corruption in case the flies. And finally, the people in general become accomplices of corruption by accepting the bribes of the government, because it is better to pull balls to the left than to pull on the sun.

They are proverbs and truths that make it very difficult for the absurd, corrupt and traitorous regime to end up falling as it should.

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hello there
nice post