I just bought 60 INV specifically for Infowars tribe, please signup as many infowarriors as you can to steem, we will get them 7 days 30SP delegation from giftgiver.me and INFOWARS upvotes!

in infowars •  5 years ago 

I just bought 60 INV so I can create 60 steem accounts and since I have 2000 already reserved to create accounts mostly for @sandiegocoin https://SteemSanDiego.com id like to resertve these 60 Steem Accounts for @infowarslife INFOWARS token

hey look we still had 20 steem in organic volume today without me buying any tokjens! very nice! After these are all sold there wont be any Infowars sold by me that cheap, new prices for selling infowars to pay for developer costs will be made depending on the market prices established on @newdex.io

And this token INV will be used to create steem account invite links for instant free accounts already paid for https://invite.steem.ninja

i can create accounts for anyone who needs one to post on steem or the Infowars tribe, and they can get 30SP 7 days delegation to posta nd commenta nd upvote with bandwitdh plenty https://giftgiver.me just use this toola nd maybe donate to it some SP if you like it and thank @rishi556 ! Now if we have ANYONE you want to bring to Infowars just know the NITRPOUS site is coming soon, Steempeak may be used FIRST, just for convinience so we have time to purchase the Web DOmain and have a Nitrous Site for, Infowarsd.app or infowarsdapp.co may be purchased but we will see.

i am just i think 600 steeem away from Nitrous (or steempeak0 and the 1and1 bill paid for a year or two, just $50 and its a whoel YEAR for one of the infowars domains i think infowarsd.app is good . Do you all feel pumped? You all know that once I raise anoher $250 I can get infowars on EOS? Whoever buys the rest of those infowars tokens thats all teher will ever be at thsoe prices. once the actualk cost of the tribe setup and eos token si paid for, teher may bemore tokens from the 100 million infowars development fund but they wont eb sold at these cheap prices anymore. so BEFORE infowars gets on EOS, you have a chance to own a a large chink. So @gerber gave em some numbers to use, for a system wheer only 200 M have been issued. 100M are in infowars account 100M were sold on market or bewing sold for funding 10K steem startup tribe and eos-ex costs. I think I said another 100M are for EOS DAPp development and another 100 M for Infowars Foundation (Telos style ) and then another 100 M for infowars 24/7 Live Stream on Youtube twitch anywhere we can, especially VIMM and dtube 3speak if we can, we will eventually have a live stream using torrents web torrents, or just VIMM and yeah we will actually use the TOP content from infowars Vim and post it streaming. SO the Infowars Community LiveStream will be all the top upvoted videos on infowars tribe site, and we will have a 100 Million Infowars tokens to fund a 24/7 live stream and all the peopel involved., Remember This is going to happen with a lot of organic marketing and word of moutha nd organic videos posst etc, and we will have cool artwork and we will end up with All fo Alex Jone's Millionaire and even patriotic Billionaires investing in the project and pumping liquid funding in so that we have the money to keep it afloat. Once these tokens are sold, i will have a Infowars DAC voting candidates who wil then get issued funds like Telos Foundation and they can sell them on the market on newdex once in a while but other than the reward pool, there will be no otehr wya to get the tokens besides posting. These telos foundation style Infowars Foundation members will get voted in like witnesses and get payouts in eos infowars or steem engine infowars tokens. we will sell ads directly with infowars token oneday in our own ad network but untill then we will use the ad system i paid @aggroed for sandiegocoin ... i may use that on infowars tribe and just give myself $150 worth of infowars tokens

500M reward Pool, 100M for Steem Engine Token Sale now live, 100M for @infowars account 100M for EOS dapp dev, 100M for infowars foundation pay, 100M for Infowars 24/7 stream (using content from top @infowarslife sponsored youtubers dtube users vimm streamers etc

I cannot wait to see people really jump on board Investing in the infowar to keep Alex Jone's dream alive, and those fans are loyal and WILL invest in a project they see as vital to free speech and open decentralized news journalism ;)


Come to teh Discord to gets ome INFOWARS Tokens via @banjo tip bot

Come to the telegram today and get tipped some SAND CHl NDX and other EOS tokens from @tipitbot https://t.me/infowarsblockchain

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I've been watching to see TLOS listed on steem-engine. What's causing the delay any idea?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes we need a working Python Library! would you like to help get us one? One with independent EOS wallet ? I just had to make a new proposal for it, upon advice or marlon to use the channels, so heres new proposal to help get a bounty to make this happen faster



also if you want to help me and @citimillz with west african outreach, i have massive list of west africans on steem, and were going to add telegram bloks.io tip bot for and were going to lead people here https://t.me/AfricaTelos

I would have loved to but am not a developer and do not know where to start.

Posted using Partiko Android

Don't worry we finished it! Trial and error and lots of experience and boom


Thansk for all the support just being here man! lets go trade telos!

Wow. One of the best news I've heard today. Great work.

Posted using Partiko Android