How to stop election fraud, call it identity theft

in infowars •  6 months ago 

"Sheriff, I'm a victim of identity theft." Don't talk about election fraud. Below, I've included a 39-step guide on what to do if they tell you that you already voted on election day which is on Tuesday, the 5th day of November of 2024. Statistically this will likely happen to you even if you didn't already vote. There is a high probability this will happen because it already happened thousands of times in 2020 and 2022 in states like California.

Here is an outline of what you can do:

  1. Request for an absentee ballot to be sent to you by mail but don't open it
  2. Vote in person on election day, don't show them your absentee ballot
  3. If they say you already voted, contact your sheriff
  4. Have your sheriff come to document identity theft
  5. Don't say election fraud at a polling location, say it's a retail place
  6. Show your sheriff your absentee ballot but don't surrender it
  7. Vote in person via a provisional ballot

Let me provide more details as follows. Request an absentee mail-in ballot. Don't open it. Try to vote on election day. But if they say you already voted even when you haven't, contact your sheriff. Don't call 911. Say it's a non-emergency. Say you witnessed identity theft at a retail location. Don't say you're at a ballot location. Request the sheriff to come. Tell the sheriff your story. Have the sheriff ask the staff who will repeat that you already voted even as you didn't. After that, pull out your unopened absentee ballot to show the sheriff but then keep that ballot as by law it's your property and you don't have to surrender it. Your sheriff has the power to open up a proper investigation on your identity theft and seize ballot boxes.

Also, they can give you a provisional ballot so you can vote in person. But without the help of the sheriff, they're not going to count your provisional ballot but will instead just count the fake absentee ballot vote which didn't actually come from you as you didn't already vote even if they said you already voted. So, vote in person on election day via a provisional ballot if they say you already voted even as you haven't already voted. Make sure your sheriff knows you were a victim of identity theft.

Do not say voting fraud or election theft or anything political like that. Just say identity theft because it was identity theft. And keep your unopened absentee mail-in ballot as evidence of the crime of identity theft which they committed against you. Scroll down to see these 39 steps in more details below as follows. Share this with everyone you know, and as Elon Musk of Twitter X said, with everyone you don't know as well.

How to stop election fraud, call it identity theft
Oatmeal Daily - 2024-10-07 - Monday | Published in October of 2024


If these videos (above) were removed off YouTube, then click here to watch that first video on Rumble Video or you can search for the video yourself, it's from podcast number 62 where Roseanne Barr talks with Jovan Pulitzer

How can Americans fight absentee/mail-in ballot fraud?

1. Request for an absentee mail-in ballot

No matter who you are, this article is for you, whether you're voting for Donald John Trump, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama of Barack Obama, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, Kamala Harris or anybody else. This may even apply if you're not even voting at all because you may find out they voted in your name even as you don't even vote at all. They may have stolen your identity by forging your name on ballots to pretend you voted when really you didn't. This affects red and blue states. And remember that blue states are only blue in a few of the largest cities as the countryside is red.

2. Don't open your absentee ballot

Do not open it when it comes in the mail, do not tamper with it. Make sure you keep the envelope unopened. Make sure you don't remove postal stamps if there are any off the exterior of the envelope. You want to preserve it in the same condition you received it in. Hold onto it.

3. Don't open others either

If you received a ballot but didn't request one, don't open that either. Keep everything version that is sent to you. This is your evidence.

4. Vote in person on election day

Vote in person on election day which is Tuesday, the 5th day of November of 2024 (that is this current year right now).

5. Bring your unopened absentee ballot

Bring with you your unopened absentee ballot but vote in person at a voting location.

6. They might say you already voted

When you try to vote in person, then they might say sorry you already voted even if you have not yet voted. Do not panic as they're simply relaying to you what they're being told. You know you haven't voted (assuming if you haven't voted) but they only know what they see on computers or wherever they get their information from. There is a high statistical probability they'll say you already voted since this has happened a lot in 2020 and 2022 in states like California in the United States of America (USA).

7. Don't bitch

Don't whine, complain, yell, panic, go crazy. Stay calm. Don't get mad as this is not a personal attack against you personally. Stay reserved and focused. Don't say words like fraud and stuff.

8. Say, "Can you repeat that to me?"

They'll say it again that you already voted even when you haven't.

9. Request for a provisional ballot

They'll give you a provisional ballot form you can fill out which lets you vote and it means they might investigate it. Well, actually, they'll count the mail-in ballot and not count the provisional ballot as it might be hard to know whether or not you already voted by mail or not. So they'll just count the absentee mail-in ballot even if it was not sent from you. Like even if you didn't vote by mail, they'll count the ballot they received which came by mail in your name.

10. Ask for the supervisor

As they hand you the provisional ballot, calmly ask for the supervisor to confirm that the computer system shows you already voted.

11. Ask the supervisor to double check

Let the supervisor know you did not already vote by mail. Ask the supervisor to double check everything.

12. The supervisor will

The supervisor will check and confirm that you already voted even tho you actually didn't. The supervisor will tell you the same thing the other staff already said, that you already voted even as you didn't because they're only as good as the data they're given. And the data may say you already voted even as you didn't.

13. Step aside

Hold onto the provisional ballot and step aside.

14. Call your sheriff

Call your sheriff or a non-emergency line to your local sheriff department.

15. Do NOT call 911

Remember to NOT call 911.

16. Don't call cops

Do not call regular cops or police, you want to contact your sheriff.

17. Say it's NOT an emergency

When you call for the sheriff, say it's NOT an emergency.

18. Report identity theft

Tell your sheriff you need to report identity theft, tell the sheriff you are a victim of identity theft but it's unique.

19. At a retail place

Tell your sheriff you are standing at a retail place.

20. Not a ballot place

Do not tell your sheriff you're at a voting place. It may technically be a retail place even if it's called a voting location. Do not tell your sheriff you're at a polling place.

21. You witnessed identity theft

Tell your sheriff you watched the identity theft happen right in front of and before your very eyes in person in real life (IRL) and that you are still at that retail location where the identity theft occurred.

22. Ask for a dispatch

Say you need a deputy dispatched or sent to where you are to deal with the identity theft.

23. Don't say anything political or crazy

Remember to tell them your location is retail and not a polling place. You want to make sure the sheriff department know over the phone that you actually watched somebody steal your identity. It was an act of identity theft. Someone has stolen your identity. Don't talk about election meddling, voter fraud, stop the steal, election theft, voting machines, China, Dominion, Mike Lindell's My Pillow, Donald Trump, Infowars's Alex Jones, Roseanne Barr, Tim Pool's Timcast, or other people and things. Just say identity theft because it was identity theft. It's that simple. It's not a conspiracy theory.

24. Wait

Wait for the sheriff to show up.

25. Tell the sheriff your story

The sheriff will find you, tell the sheriff your story that they said you already voted even when you didn't.

26. The sheriff will ask the staff

The sheriff will ask the staff and supervisor if you voted already or not.

27. The staff will confirm

The staff and supervisor will tell the sheriff what they already told you before that you already voted even as you didn't.

28. Pull out your absentee ballot

After that, pull out your absentee mail-in ballot and show it to your sheriff as evidence you didn't already vote yet.

29. Tell the sheriff what you are holding

Tell the sheriff you are holding your mail-in ballot.

30. That it's unopened

Tell the sheriff your ballot was not even opened, still in the original envelope it came in, it was unopened, it was not tampered with at all.

31. That you're a VICTIM of identity theft

Tell your sheriff you were a victim of identity theft as somebody voted in your name.

32. Demand a report

Tell your sheriff you demand a report right now on the spot, at the scene of the crime for the books, for the record.

33. Don't surrender it

Do not surrender your absentee ballot, you do not have to give anybody your ballot as it's your property. Keep it. Hold onto your ballot. You're NOT required by law to surrender your absentee ballot.

34. Keep it

Say you're keeping your unopened absentee ballot as evidence your identity was stolen.

35. This empowers an investigation

This empowers your sheriff to open up an investigation.

36. And the power to seize ballot boxes

This empowers your sheriff to seize ballot boxes.

37. And proper investigation

This empowers the right type of investigation.

38. Vote in person via a provisional ballot

Submit your provisional ballot as you're voting in person and keep your unopened absentee ballot as evidence.

39. Make sure your sheriff is investigating

Make sure your sheriff investigates the identity theft.


Summary of what you can do as follows:

  1. Request for an absentee ballot but don't open it
  2. Vote in person on election day
  3. If they say you already voted, contact your sheriff
  4. Have your sheriff come to document identity theft
  5. Don't say election fraud at a polling location, say it's a retail place
  6. Show your sheriff your absentee ballot but don't surrender it
  7. Vote in person via a provisional ballot

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