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I came

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

This guy always new that he lied to the the less well-off, told them lies, manipulated him to spend him money and I wish this guy all the worst.

He's only good for memes. After he and Mark Dice started shilling for Trump, I quit watching them. If someone is just waking up, people fall into his half truths and Alex's rants is used to make all alternative/conspiracy outlets look crazy.

GTFOH!!! Everyone has a brain and can decide for themselves!!! I’ve been following AJ for over 10 yrs now and he’s spot on!!! For tomorrow’s news today.... follow AJ/Infowars

If you've been watching him for 10 years, didn't he use to say presidents are puppets and left and right are two sides of the same coin? What made him jump on the Trump train then? Besides the he's better than Hillary argument