InfoWhores Exposed - Alex Jones is a Sensationalist BS Artist and Shill - 100% P4WNDsteemCreated with Sketch.

in infowars •  8 years ago 

InfoWhores Exposed - Alex Jones is a Sensationalist BS Artist and Shill - 100% P4WND

This is my official start of destroying infowars for pushing sensationalist garbage to sell product and mislead people right back into the fake two party paradigm. This is a war versus the religion of Statism, that Alex Jones subscribes to. The Alt-Right are a bunch of brainwashed sheeple who have latched on to charismatic figures like Alex Jones and Trump. You lot pretend to be "free thinkers" then you parrot everything that fat load at InfoWhores says without verifying or fact checking him. I am not a democrat or a republican. I am more against Hillary than Trump so don't come at me with your bullshit comments. Go check the videos I have made they speak for themselves.

Enjoy my YouTube Film exposing InfoWars

Thanks for Watching!

Music by Vosto who runs the YouTube Channel: "Games Exposed", also he runs the RektNetwork (free speech zone & radio station), and the music can be found on his soundcloud:

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Peace Everyone!

Don't forget to follow me @TitusFrost for more of my work coming in the near future...

All votes are for 100% SP Powering Up, because I believe in this steemit platform long term. I also plan to be alive for a long time, see my Clinton Body Count Film to understand why I say this.

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Yeah, man... Controlled opposition or not, dis guy is energetic as fuck.

Maybe the absolute butthurt faggot @noganoo can explain what terms of use I violated which incurred a flag from this flaggot. You have absolutely no basis to flag my blog because you disagree with me and I won't suffer your bullshit. Flagging should be reserved for terms of service violations not censoring material you disagree with.

@noganoo = FLAGGOT

You are the only one who flagged this article. Why because you are a thin skinned Alex Jones fan boy.

Didn't Stalin set the bar by starting opposition groups to see who was in them?

Alex has said they need him to stir the people up, and stirring is what he does.

As sensationalist, fear monger, infotainer as he is, he has still been the person that has woken many a person up.

And, when you first wake up to what is really going on out there, anger is your first response. And infowars is a good place for people in that stage.

Of course, anyone really into finding truth and freedom move on from the anger stage, and Alex Jones. But, I would never get rid of him. I thank him for what he has done by providing that path of awakening.

I do not turn to infowars for my news these days, as it is heavily spun in the fear, and not always the whole truth. But, it is entertaining to watch now and then.

Yes, but the problem is they put out a ton of fear mongering and it makes people go nuts. They think the world is gonna end at any moment.

I would suggest that, in general, rather than truly waking people up, it is the illusion of awakening, when in reality people go into a deeper slumber. Also of concern is what it means in actual fact to "be awake".

Good disinfo mixes truth with is up to each of us to separate the two.

As shill as they come! You can tell just by the way he speaks that he desperately wants to provoke feelings in people, feelings of impotence, fear and anger. It's too obvious.

Hi Titus I fell into the Alex mind trap for awhile . Then I realized he was covering up for a deeper agenda. Playing his role as it were. I stumbled onto Josh Reeves who really woke me up to the deeper agenda going on.
I study and decide for myself which is what we all should do.
Thanks for your hard work and Merry Christmas !

One thing that tipped me off is the man nearly never smiles. He has a contemptuous delivery.

Poor humble water filter salesman :P


Are there any clear recordings of the grove? The one in the vid is super blurred! Can't even make out what's what haha..

I think Jones was "allowed" to film at Bohemian Grove. One reason is that the local cops patrolling by the lake stop Jones. He tells the cops that him and his buddy were just filming the scenery. That would not sit well with the cops. The would have looked into who they were and confiscated the video equipment because they would have to know what else Jones had on that camera. This is just one aspect that makes me suspect of The Bohemian Grove footage. Keep in mind, a lot had already been exposed regarding Bohemian Grove before Jones went there in 2000. The movie gave Jones a name and the elite created the controlled opposition they needed for 9/11 the following year. Alex Jones got that crown and a tiny empire that goes with it.

Plus Jones said he "infiltrated" the grove in the film clip I used. Like he is some sort of commando with a camera lolz.

Thank you titus upvoted back

Thanks, at last. Alex Jones is CIA, pretends to be givin info but mostly he spies on the alternative and indipendent authors. He even simulate a larger stage by pairing with other websites. His envoys are often agent provocateur. His expertise is communication, check his continue hand gestures. I like his other guy too, Watson, that always has a sneer, ha ha ha. All to be revelaed. Cheers Titus!

I can't stand Watson either.

I thank you for this post @titusfrost; I don't fully agree but I'm not dissing this piece. I think there is an interesting situation happening at the AJ Show. It's way better than CNN and MSNBC IMHO. Would you be up for a talk to discuss some developments? I can be reached at [email protected].

Just email me, or hit me up on one of the many social media platforms i am on.

I liked Alex Jones for a couple of years....before he started sucking up to Trump.