Getting old sucks.

in injury •  3 years ago 

My sofa has electric recliners in both ends. It is not, however, next to a wall. I have no outlets in the floor, so I chose the battery option, and every few months I have to recharge it.

Which involves getting on the floor behind the sofa to pull the battery out from under it.

My living room floor is tile. I'm old. A LOT of my joints are kind of permanently inflamed, none more than the toes. Getting up off the floor involves an odd procedure, mostly trying not to put too much weight on toes as a part of raising myself up... I try really hard not to stress the toes due to serious pain. But I'm not flexible, so the toes invariably must bear some load for some few seconds. I try hard to prevent that, by grabbing stuff to lift myself up with.

Last night, it was the back of the sofa. Which, for the first time, didn't bear the weight, but rather toppled backwards and removed its support from my effort to get up.

For that reason, I fell headlong away from the sofa, banging my knee on the tile and then smacking my head against a glass door bookcase. Thank the good LORD it didn't break the glass. Just got a little knot on my forehead. But the knee hurts like crazy this morning. Which will keep me off the bike for a few days, just as I was getting back on it.

Lesson? In spite of all my recently acquired fitness and strength, pulling on furniture to lift myself up is a bad idea.

I think I'll put shoes on from here... so I can at least manage the pain in my toes as I awkwardly pry my geezer self off the floor. You'd have to see it to understand the toe thing. Probably not gonna show it to you.


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