Belittle the injustices in life

in injustices •  3 years ago 


Life does have its unfair side. Absolute fairness does not exist. The world was not created based on the principle of fairness. Life, sometimes is not as good as we think, it is often unfair.

Some people seem to be so smooth from birth, everything is smooth sailing, and their wishes come true. There are no ups and downs, career and love are all enviable; while some people are destined to be unlucky since they are born. Hardships, career frustrations, emotional frustrations all troubled him, and sometimes even a small plan is hard to come true.

Hunter was abandoned by his girlfriend and consulted the master. He said that his girlfriend did not feel sad about breaking up, and he was alive and well. He felt resentful about this, and he complained that God doesn't have eyesight. The master was very surprised and asked him why.

Hunter replied: "We made a heavy oath when we were together. The person who betrayed the feelings first will definitely die within a year. But two years now, she is still alive and well. God is too short-sighted. , Can't you hear people's oaths?"

The master smiled, and he told Hunter that if all the world's vows would be fulfilled, then that person would have been extinct long ago.

Because people who are in love, unless they have no real feelings, all have taken a heavy oath. If they all die by fate, will there be anyone in this world? God is not eyeless, but knows that love is fickle, our vows are nothing but joking in the ears of the wise.

"Then what should I do?" Hunter asked.

The master did not directly answer his question, but told him a fable: "Once upon a time there was a man who raised a very precious goldfish with water. One day, the fish tank was broken. This man had two choices: one was standing Cursing and complaining in front of the water tank, seeing the goldfish die because of loss of water; the other is to quickly get a new water tank to rescue the goldfish. If it were you, how would you choose?"

"Of course it's time to get the water tank to save the goldfish." Hunter said quickly and rationally. "That's right, you should hurry up and take the water tank to save your goldfish, give it a little moisture, save it, and then discard the broken water tank. If a person can put down the curse and complaints, then Understand true love." The master said to Hunter earnestly.

Hunter had an epiphany, smiled, and left with joy.

Life does have its unfair side, absolute fairness does not exist, and the world is not created based on the principle of fairness. Even if we encounter unfair things, don't blame others all day long. In fact, complaining is useless. It can't change your situation in the slightest, but will only increase your worries in vain.

In the face of unfair people and things in life, it is especially important to learn to tolerate. As long as we can calm our minds, stay away from it, or complain about it, unfairness will naturally gradually turn into fairness.

You don’t have a good family background, but after a long and tenacious effort, you finally got outstanding results. This changed from unfair to fair; you didn’t get a job title this time, but you endure it and start by improving your work. In the end, you become the only person in the company, which also changes from unfairness to fairness. That being the case, why should you bother about unfairness?

One of the reasons why people’s psychology is often hurt is that everything must be fair. In fact, there is no absolute fairness in the world, so we don't want to use a fair ruler to measure everything. Don't complain about the injustices in life. If you can tolerate and look down on the injustices in life, then the injustices will inevitably turn into fairness.

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