AI InkTober Final Prompt - LandmarksteemCreated with Sketch.

in inktober •  5 months ago 

It looks as though InkTober has come to its inglorious end. I've been playing a game of man v. machine. I place an AI generated image for each prompt here on SteemIt. I then try to complete a drawing for another site. I've only completed a half doze of the drawings.

I appear to be the only one who created #inktober posts on SteemIt. There were no InkTober posts for 2023 on the platform. There were a few in 2022. They didn't get many upvotes.

A knock off platform ran a competition called ZingTober. They got about 20 entries a day. Many of the posts received upvotes.

The Landmark Prompt

The final prompt it "landmark."

I thought of using landmarks along the Oregon Trail such as Newspaper Rock or Devil's Gate on the Sweetwater. I am not sure if Night Cafe understands the importance of these landmarks; So, I decided to go with an image of Devil's Tower. This basalt formation was created as the inner cone of a volcano.

It is visible for almost a hundred miles to people who traverse Northern Wyoming which I've done a few times. The basalt cliffs provide an interesting patterns for zentangle vector art.

I have to run numerous errands today. I considered drawing a picture of six shooter tower in Southern Utah. Six shooter is another compelling landmark that is visible for miles all around.

I am sad to see InkTober come to an end.

While I was unable to draw a picture a day, I was able to generate a picture a day.

My InkTober Collection

I almost forgot. Here is the image in higher resolution.
I am tempted to continue the practice of generating an image a day for SteemIt. I created a Night Cafe. I put all of my images in This directory. I haven't created a index page for the images yet.

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