Fifteen Years of Daily Visits with God

in innerblocks •  4 years ago 

daily visits by tags.png

I began having “daily visits with God” as I have them now in May of 2005. Since then I had posted over 5000 of these visits on my blog. I cannot say that I have never missed a day, but there have been so few missed that I can say that, for every practical purpose, it has been daily. My plan has been essentially the same these fifteen years. I read two chapters of the Old Testament and one chapter of the New Testament, sometimes less depending upon my day or sometimes because a particular passage calls my attention to it so strongly I feel compelled to stop. My desire each day is that, as I read, the Holy Spirit impresses upon my soul a particular passage upon which to further meditate after my reading. I take it that the passage that “stands out” in my daily reading is the passage the Holy Spirit has led me to consider. I then write out my studies and post them on my blog. You see, the blog is more of a record of what the Holy Spirit taught me that day than an outreach for others to read.

Each of my daily visits is tagged on my blog according to the book of the Bible it is from. The blog then gives me the option of displaying those pages and makes the tags most often used bigger than others. I found it interesting looking at the tags
**1. I have focused my devotions at least a few times in all sixty-six books of the Bible.

  1. Psalms is the most often tagged book of the Old Testament
  2. The Gospels and Acts are the most often tagged in the New Testament**

I do not think there is anything especially significant about all of this, but it does seem to make sense. The Psalms appeal to the emotions of man perhaps more strongly than any other Scriptures. It would make sense that when I am in them, there is something that appeals to further meditation. The Gospels give us the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. It makes sense that the Holy Spirit would put great emphasis on Jesus. Acts is an account of How Christ moves in the souls of the saved. It also makes sense to me that there would be much to meditate upon in Acts.

It is not that any of the other books of the Bible are less important, less inspired, or less helpful. But Psalms, the Gospels and Acts certainly have much “gold lying on the surface.” That always compels the student to dig down a little deeper.

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