What is an Empath? How to know if you are an Empath? How to set Boundaries. Webinar with Robyn Iacuone 1-21-2018

in innerstellar •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is more a like a session among friends discussing what it is like to be an empath. How to know if you are one and how to set boundaries.

Do you:

Feel overwhelmed in crowds and crowded places
Sometimes feel like an alien and not sure where you belong
Feel that no one really understands you
Yearn for peace and quiet and enjoy time to yourself
Experience unexplained aches and pains
Feel sensitive to violence and cruelty
Know when someone is being dishonest

How to handle social situations
How to deal with feeling overwhelmed
Understand what are your emotions and what are not
Find out what you are meant to be doing here
Feel heard and listened to
And much much more ….
Imagine… having someone who will:

Support you, without judgement, without blame
Listen, guide and support you, sharing wisdom and knowledge
Assist you to make the breakthroughs you’ve been searching for
Laugh and cry with you
Help you to believe in yourself
Empower you to have the strength and courage to follow your dreams
Walk beside you along your journey and show you the view along the way


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#empathy #life #love #relationships

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