The Insect World

in insect •  8 years ago 

The life of insect is really interesting if you watch them closely. Do you think so? Recently I captured this beautiful close-up shot when I was in my home garden. I remember, I ran away immediately and took my camera to shoot this beautiful scene. Sorry, I don't know the name of this insect. I was watching this insect and his movements for around 15 minutes, and I am sure he is really enjoying his life in his own way, and I know he got a lot of food from those flowers.

I recently read somewhere that.....

  1. Insects are unable to make sounds with their mouths.

  2. Insects make sounds with parts of their bodies other than their mouths, such as legs and wings.

  3. The sounds they make allow them to communicate with one another.

Hope you will like this photo!

Thank you!

Flower Insect.jpg

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