What's in your bucket list?

in insomnia •  8 years ago 

Sometimes I have trouble sleeping and then my mind wanders. Tonight I've been thinking about my bucket list.
If you are unaware, a bucket list is a list of things you would like to do before you "kick the bucket".
I want to see Slayer live in concert.
I've always wanted to stay in a cabin under the northen lights.
I'd like to travel a bit and experience what adventures the earth has to offer, like kayaking between glaciers.

What's on your must do/see bucket list? I'd love to hear from you!

Sweet dreams friends.

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I would like to finally retire. Alas, it won't be happening soon.
...upvoted and resteemed

I know u wanted to see Austrailia.

I once had the airfare all saved up but then I went to the bar instead.

I must appreciate this post :) good one, also check mine please :)

Better get your camping gear together quick! I've heard that the Northern Lights are fading :(