Some quotes and Tweets for today. :-)
When the shit hits the fan... try not to be standing in front of the fan. :-)
Если у тебя есть мечта, держи ее крепко в руках ТАК крепко... что бы она стала твоей судьбой. Пусть Господь тебя хранит.
How many have had a job before the one they have now? How many are still getting paid... from the previous job they had? That's the problem.
Whoa WHOA... wait a minute... I gotta get this down. (Writes on hand) Can't. Follow. Directions. Okay... now, what were you saying??
В человеке я люблю свет. Форма свечи... меня не волнует. Пламя скажет мне, хороша ли свеча. - George Tumasyants
You cannot win a man's heart by belittling him... or by standing in the way of his ambitions. Help him... in any way possible.
Accepting that someone does NOT love you... is much less stressful than the struggle of persuading them... TO Love You.
Никогда не причиняй человеку боль... если этот человек готов ради тебя на всё.
Do not look where you fell... but where you slipped. - African Proverb
Don't fight a battle... if you don't gain anything by winning. - Erwin Rommel
The problem with closed minded people is... that their mouths are aways open! #JustSaying #Food4Thought #Truth - Catherine Constantinides
Когда мои руки не могут обнять того, кто близок моему сердцу... я всегда "обнимаю" его/ её своими молитвами.
There are 4 characteristics of failure...
- Distraction
- Deception
- Dislocation
- Destruction
Most people do not change... until the fear of NOT changing... becomes GREATER than... the fear of changing.
Берегите друг друга, сейчас такое время, что очень сложно найти что-то действительно стоящее, настоящее... а мы из-за своей глупой гордости при малейшей ошибки, сразу же отказываемся от своего счастья... нужно учиться прощать, ценить то, что у вас есть.
When adversity comes, don't let what you don't understand... unravel everything you do (understand).
We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: The stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases.... while the citizens may act only by permission... which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force. - Ayn Rand
И вдруг поймёшь, что в мире бренном, где все надежды хороши... дороже всех прикосновений... прикосновение Души.
If you follow the same recipe... you're gonna get the same pie. That can be good... or bad... depending on the recipe. :-)
When we die... then our children will be adults... with their kids. Do you think people are gonna be shopping more online... or less?? -…/stores-are-closing-at-a-record-…
Is that a yes... or a no??
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