This article utilizes vulgar language for expressed purposes. If you're not willing to consider the concepts presented here... please click away now.
“Fake it til you make it.”
You've heard this phrase before, right?
This quote states that if you act as if you already are the person that you want to become, you will eventually become it.
For instance...
If you wanted to be a very confident person...
This statement implies that you should FAKE confidence until that becomes REAL confidence.
Although I do agree with some aspects of this “fake it til you make it” approach, I feel that it’s just a bit off...

Implying that I should just be fake and then somehow discover an authentic new part of myself is (IMO) a formula for failure.
However, the fact that this statement encourages you to choose a state of being is, in my humble opinion, what makes the meat of this concept effective.
Now, if I were to recreate this statement in my own language I would say…
"Fuck it! til you make it."
Now if you'll excuse my french for just a moment, I'll explain to you what I mean by that...

I say “fuck it!” for a few reasons...
First off I want to challenge you linguistically.
Fuck is a word that has a strong presence…
It means so many different things in so many different situations…
But if we could agree on one meaning alone, we could likely say that it is a very intimate word.
Could you agree?
So with fuck I am applying a sense of raw intimacy here… not in a sexual sense, but in a real, raw, expressive, honest, sincere, here I am! kind of way.
Does that make sense?
Now when I say fuck it!, I am referring to the concept of letting go…
Have you ever read the book, “Fuck it: The Ultimate Spiritual Way”?

It’s a book that highlights the great power in saying these words and how this concept has…
“helped countless people to let go, stop struggling and finally do what they want; to ignore what everyone else is telling them and go their own way.”
When I say fuck it, I am specifically honing the concept of going your own way.
I am referring to the concept of ignoring what the world is saying and staying committed to your sovereign truths.
I am insinuating a sense of independent thought.
And thus, when I say “fuck it til you make it” I am encouraging you to go your own way, stay committed to your own truth, and vigilantly guard your independent mind until you bring those thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions together in a way that changes your reality forever...
In this post, I want to show you how to do just that.
I’ve been saying fuck it for a few years now and my initiation into the world of fuck-it-ism (which is clearly a real word) began when I dropped out of medical school, just six months before receiving my doctorate.
It was from that moment onward, for years, that I discovered the true meaning of embodying the concept of "fuck it til you make it".
In this post, I seek to provide a practical understanding of how to live in this way and how it can tremendously alter your life and open up a beautiful world, far beyond what you could have ever even begun to imagine.
Is that something you would want for yourself?
Great! Let’s begin.
You Are Already It
Do you want to change your life in some way?
How so? Can you connect to what it is that you truly desire in your life?
For me, I want to become a creative force that is fully sustained by my creative nature.
I want my essence to be that which supports my very existence.
I want my walk, my talk, my movements, my creations, and my collaborations to be the things that also nourish me physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Now, this is a big vision that I have for myself. You also may possess a big vision of your own...
But with such a big vision or goal, how do we go about approaching it tangibly?
For me, it begins with a core truth which I'll relay to you now:
You already are THAT.
WHAAAT. @axios that doesn't make any sense. I thought you said we weren't gonna have to fake anything.
WHAAAT. @axios that doesn't make any sense. I thought you said we weren't gonna have to fake anything.
You're correct, we aren't faking anything.
The truth is, you are what you say you are.
You decide.
You choose.
What you become is up to you.
This is the reality of life.
You see, there are at least a million choices on your way to becoming something.
Each of these minute choices make up the very fabric of your existence.
Here's a helpful analogy for you...
Think about how a colorful wool sweater is created... There were many choices made in order to make that sweater. Those choices were interwoven within each other. They eventually meshed to create something much bigger than just a line of thread... patterns emerged and converged until suddenly... these threads collectively became a wearable, livable, meaningful THING.
Your life is no different.
With every choice, you are interweaving aspects of your life with other choices.
Thus, from a moment to moment basis, you are weaving a new reality.
You are forming a new existence all the time.
You can't NOT do this, it's just the nature of how things are.
And thus, if you were weaving a sweater, and a friend asked you what you were weaving, would you not call it a sweater?
No! You would call it a sweater.
You might say it's an unfinished sweater, but nonetheless, it's certainly a sweater still, right?
Now let's go back to the big vision you and I have of who we will become...
Are you gonna go ahead and tell me that you aren't the person that you are becoming?
If that's the case, then surely you are not becoming that life.
Surely you're doing something else.
Or maybe... you're just in denial...
Either way, the truth is that you are that which you seek to become.
You are that right now.
So own it.
If you know what you want to become, choose to step into what that is now.
Again, I'm not saying fake it...
I'm saying, embrace it.
Embrace the fact that you are weaving this new life.
Remind yourself that you are that person.
Know that this is what you are becoming.
And give yourself some love for choosing to be that because there's no one else in this world that will be quite like who you are choosing to become.
Living The Fuck It! Mentality
Let's go back to that sweater analogy for just a moment...
Imagine you are knitting a sweater that isn't quite like any other sweater the world has ever seen before it...
This sweater is actually kind of controversial because it contains many different colors, but every other sweater out in the world is black.
Oftentimes, it's hard to knit this sweater out in public because the people don't seem to really understand it.
Some people laugh at it, some just don't really understand it.
Your parents question the utility value of color in your sweater.
Your friends are convinced you've lost your mind!
"A sweater with color!? What a joke."
And so you eventually stop threading in public.
You wear your black threads out.
But your colors... you keep those in the closet.
You must remember this: You are not the world.
And you can't expect the world to be you!
The truth is, the more you are you, the more you'll deviate from the said norms.
I believe that we are all on this Earth for a reason.
That we all have a special gift to share...
That gift is the gift of change.
It's an opportunity to experience something new.
Thus, we must be willing to open that gift for ourselves...
...if we want to share it with the world.
In order to do this, we must be constantly willing to say fuck it! when the world disagrees.
"Fuck it! when we know we sound crazy.
"Fuck it!" when we don't know what we're doing.
"Fuck it!" when we're feeling lost and overwhelmed.
"Fuck it" when we're on our last stand.
New ways often have unlit roads and rocky pavement.
Any true trailblazer knows this.
If you want to become something special...
You're going to have to admit the truth:
You're a trailblazer...
So consider adopting the fuck it frame of mind.
And let go of the ways of the world.
For there you will likely find much opposition, disapproval, and isolation.
"Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong." ~ Oscar Wilde
When the new you meets the world with contrast, it's like a flavorful new beginning.
"Fuck it!"
Be who you are!
Your true force lies within your heart and mind, when you're ahead of the times.
One Step At A Time
Here's where we get into the meat of the magic.
Here's where we get into the meat of the magic.
I will say that I'm a vegetarian, so maybe this is more like the protein of the magic.
But meat of the magic sounds so much cooler so we're gonna go with that.
The meat of the magic is fully invested in every step you take.
Martin Luther King, Jr. supposedly once said...
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
We may have big visions, but that doesn't mean we are going to know every step along the way.
The good news is that we just need to start stepping in that direction.
They can be tiny steps...
But those tiny steps, little by little, turn into bigger steps over time.
Have you gone ice skating before?
If so, do you remember your first time skating?
It was likely a bit of a disaster, right?
You're all clumsy, stumbling around on the ice, falling onto your ass, bashing into the walls and other people.
Each little step felt pretty damn uncomfortable, right?
But in time, you probably found a stride.
And once you found that stride, you picked up speed.
And as you picked up speed, you needed to put in less effort.
And as you put in less effort, you had an increased sense of focus.
And that focus allowed you to move in ways you had not ever considered before...
The same goes for the life that you are now creating.
You must be willing to take those uncomfortable first steps.
They may be scary at first, yes... but the discomfort is necessary to establish a new sense of balance on new land.
You must be willing to embrace the discomfort, the fears, the madness...
For if it's not any of these things, then you're likely not going anywhere!
But once you do embrace these things, suddenly something happens...
You gain awareness, strength, understanding...
Abilities start to appear that weren't there before.
And soon enough, you've established a new sense of balance as you take each step forward.
You speed up, gain momentum, intelligence, guidance, support, clarity, new vision...
And as the road ahead becomes more challenging...
You find you already have everything you need to continue forward.
Committing To Who You Are
Your life is a direct reflection of your commitment to who you are becoming.
Most people aren't living the highest versions of themselves because they aren't willing to make that commitment.
There's always a right of passage.
You don't just get to go there.
There are no freebies.
No college degree will get you there.
No job title guarantees anything.
These are all just words and definitions.
You have to commit.
And that often looks like a leap.
It often looks like a giant leap of faith into an unknown abyss.
Yes, of course, one step at a time...
But there is a time, along that step by step journey, when you are called forth to make the leap.
Life knows when it's time, and you have to be willing to go there.
Often this requires a big ol' "fuck it!" to actually make the leap.
For if you want to become anything...
You must make the leap from "I am becoming..."
...to "I am!"
Your life is a direct reflection of your commitment to who you are becoming.
The stronger you commit to who you are...
The bigger the leap...
The higher the stakes...
The more likely it is that you will become who you desire to be.
You see, the universe doesn't like to play small.
It doesn't encourage small choices.
It likes bigness.
What's the Universe's ultimate goal?
Kind of a weird question, but can you guess what it is?
Well, I'm not going to speak for the Universe, but I will go ahead and assume it is this:
The Universe's ultimate goal is to expand.
Thus, when you expand, so does it.
The bigger you expand, the bigger it becomes
Big choices = big expansion.
Your half assed commitment to the life you wish to live does nothing for it.
The Universe doesn't give attention to a half-assed truth.
It supports those who commit fully.
Thus, if you want to be something.
Fucking commit.
Go all in.
Fuck it! til you make it!
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~ Marianne Williamson
Thanks For Stopping By :)
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ~ Marianne Williamson
Featured Posts by @axios

Very well put! I think fake it to you make it and fuck it ultimately have the same goal; just different approaches. The former is trying to get your mind to make a vision of what you _want _ to be and you work towards it while the latter is saying "don't worry about anything along the way; put in enough work and it will come to you."
So each has its own way of getting us where we want to be. Good work @axios. Your fuck it way will definitely come in handy in life! :D
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You're right, the do ultimately have the same goal - just different strategies in a sense. Thank you @cabernet! :)
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Excellent post, resteeming! It's funny because the comment I made on your other post embodies what you present here. I think I've been living this way ever since I can remember and I heartily agree with the sentiments.
*sports rainbow sweater proudly *
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So glad you resonate @wisewoof! Awesome to meet a fellow non-fuckiteer! And we'll have to have a rainbow sweater party soon lol
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I missed you these days. I had some problems with my Steemit account, but they are finally solved. <3 I love the text and I can see your social awarness in that warning you put up there. I really appreciate it and it says lots about your amazing personality. <3
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So glad to have you back @dreamdiary :) thanks for noticing that warning too. I was writing fuck so many times that I was like... "yeah I should probablyyyy say something up front." haha
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The only way to live it! So many great points here @axios! Great job my friend!
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Thank you @bitdollar!
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Downvoting a post can decrease pending rewards and make it less visible. Common reasons:
Was watching an episode of walking dead today and of course Ezekial says this lol...
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