What is your WHY? Part 1

in inspiration •  7 years ago 


Very few people can give good reasons WHY they do what they do. By WHY I mean what's your purpose? What's your cause? What's your believe?
WHY do you get out of bed in the morning? WHY do you do what you do? If you are going to be great in life You need to have a WHY.

You can read everything if you want to but I am going to tell you something, life is going to hit you on your mouth and your WHY has to be greater than that knockout.

I love the story of buster Douglas and mike Tyson. Buster Douglas got knocked out by mike Tyson, nobody ever got knocked out by Mike Tyson and got back up. It was almost the 10 count and he was staggering, the referee counted 4,3,2 and the bell goes ding! ding! ding! And the whole world was like once he gets back up Mike Tyson is going to finish him up, and Mike Tyson came out like I got this kid against the rope.

many of you right now life Got you against the rope listen to me you can't give up, you can't give in, if becoming succesful was easy everybody would do it. And when life got you backed up I want you to do what buster Douglas did buster Douglas started fighting back.images-13.jpg

And the world was surprised. Goliath has been knocked down, and the press went to buster douglas like what happened? And buster Douglas said it's simple, he said before the fight my mother told the whole world that I was going to beat mike Tyson and two days before the fight my mother died, when his mother died he was left with two options to die with his mother or to get up and live for his mother, and he knocked Mike Tyson out because his WHY was greater than that punch. Find your WHY

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So very true.

Shouldn't forgot the 'why not' sometimes, too.

Often we can easily sluff off because we can easily accumulate more Why we shouldn't do something than why we should.. Once in a while it isn't a bad idea to say to hell with it, Why Not?!


Nicely done buddy. Good amount of upvotes
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Never stop, just keep pushing!

Yes sir

Good...iam like...

this is wonderful and amazing experience inspirational post... Purpose is what drives this world..