What Is Your Mantra?

in inspiration •  7 years ago 

When the world would crazy and I couldn't see my way, my mom knew exactly what to say to me.

"Chris, chill." That two-word sentence. That powerful, two-word sentence.

She knew me best and I knew exactly what she meant with that simple sentence.

She was highly intuitive, deeply rooted, direct, honest and crazy funny! She knew her daughter through and through. That sentence was the answer to so many things. She could simply look at me and read me. I inherited that exact trait. We don't always speak what we know, but we know. Instead we often wait as it manifests. What I didn't realize back then is that my mom operated on a higher vibration. We often communicated that way. I could feel when she was excited, not feeling well or upset. She could feel the same. My mom and her two-sentence mantra put me right back in perspective.

Higher vibrations.

Manifest what you want by trusting and letting the Universe work for you. The power of the energy of the Universe is us. We have had the power all along. Believe it. Let go. Shake loose. Breathe. Live. Chill.


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