Fear, Shame & Doubt Almost took my life

in inspiration •  7 years ago 

When I was a child I was fearless, there wasn't much that could stop me from doing what I wanted to do, I was a vocal kid who had a very broad vocabulary from a very young age. Before I started school I could read and write so from the very beginning I have had that extra boost of confidence. I excelled in my school years my grades were excellent and almost everything I got myself involved in I did well, I have a passion for learning and being a piscean I have a very creative streak which in turn makes me want to know about everything and anything, I thrive on knowledge and being able to have an input on everything and trust me I do know some pretty random stuff and if I don't know then that just prompts me to learn more about it. As I got older and moved into my adolescent years I noticed a change in myself and I started to let my feelings and emotions control my actions, I became more inclined to give up on myself and not push through with my goals, my dreams became less attainable and I spiraled into a cell that held me back from what I knew best being limitless.

I met fear and shame, and became very good friends with doubt these three words became the most powerful forces within me and I was literally paralyzed. My mind was well though and it still had all these crazy ideas to become a self made success just to prove a point because someone once told me I'd never amount to anything I was just a useless little girl. I envisioned this happy and comfortable lifestyle where my family and I had not a care in the world that anything we could ever need was always there because I had created my own wealth to share among those I love the most, and even though this is my vision, It really sucks to know that most don't even believe I can, but I'll show them because I can do anything I believe in me. I have failed so many times and to be very honest with you I have lost count on the amount of things I have started and not followed through with or the times I have let others down because of my failing actions, the backlash I copped from all the people I've hurt or let down damaged my spirit it was never my intention to fail you or myself but I have forgiven the act and asked the universe to reverse the action and bounce back some good vibes so that we can move forward cos backwards just ain't an option for me.

Setbacks and emotions play a huge part in your make up and existence and too often we are led down the rabbit hole when we don't have the right support or guidance in our lives. We go through things that can either make or break us and these things become so much a part of you and what you give out that eventually those big ideas and dreams and goals you had growing up are stamped out till they are extinct. We go through so much conditioning in life that we don't realize it till it's too late and you've already lost half your life living a life you didn't dream of but instead was shown to you, were all sheep when you think about it we do follow in the footsteps of those before us and it is fact that it really is just a small percentage of people that go out and live the life they love and follow their dreams and it is those ones who become our inspiration and motivation. After all these years of trying to impress others I forgot about the most important part of my journey, me. I let myself down in a big way the day I let fear and shame and doubt enter my life it shaped me into something I am not and took away so much of what I have to give and share. How the things that we don't even see back then really do play a huge part on how we compose ourselves in our adult years, are you feeling like you have lost a lot of your life because of three little words? Think about it and say each word five times sounds weird doesn't it? There just words that we learn and then we let them define us, forgetting though that if you just see them as words and don't take on the emotion attached to it then they can't get at you, there is no way for them to attach to you. what you have done now is found a way to block these feelings out and only let in what drives you, replacing fear shame and doubt with new words strength resilience and faith you now have self empowered your being to charge through anything you set out the vision is clear and your dreams and goals are back where they should be right in front of you motivating you to get there. Your dreams don't belong in a locked trunk you need to find that key and unlock what's inside. when you can find what it is you need most to help you get to where you want you will know exactly which allies to call in but keep it exclusive you don't need too many allies only let in what brings out the best in you. You were born to be great, it's your time to shine now go brighten up the sky.

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How very true:

"Setbacks and emotions play a huge part in your make up and existence and too often we are led down the rabbit hole when we don't have the right support or guidance in our lives. We go through things that can either make or break us and these things become so much a part of you and what you give....."

These words i can so relate to.... you wouldn't believe just how much!

Excellent post.