I am a nobody! The IMPRISONMENT of Dominion

in inspiration •  7 years ago  (edited)

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The very idea that God created some people nobodies and others he created Somebodies is an ideology that has ingrained into our belief system by our culture, i too once believed it, so even when i started reading motivational books and attending meetings, i would be told you are great and i would reply YES! not in confirmation that i am, but as a hopeful consensus (i would love to be great)

Is this true, did God create some people special giving them outstanding qualities that enables them to succeed in a way that normal people can't?

The truth is God creates no "nobodies" , he is not wasteful, he does everything according to a purpose. A bird is meant to rule the sky, when it doesn't fly does it change its identity, NO!


The best way to understand anything is to go as far back as that things Origin, so lets go back to our own, the origin of man

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Genesis 1:26 KJV

Do you see it now, God made man to DOMINATE, NOT some men, but the WHOLE of MANKIND, Okay let me explain with this illustration

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Here is my phone Tecno l9 plus, on the pack is written 5000 mah
13 mega pixel
2 gig ram

What the is manufacturer doing by putting that there? He is saying when you get this phone, demand that it will run for 72 hours with its 5000 mah, and also expect your picture to have high quality with its 13 mega pixel, and when you are working your phone won't crash because of its 2 gig ram.

Now why does the manufacturer have the boldness to tell you this?
Because he put it there, he only has that boldness to tell you you expect this from his product, because he already put it in the product. Have you ever heard a manufacturer produce a 2500 mah and write on the pack 4000 mah, NO!
because he knows he didn't put it in there.

That's the same thing when God asks you to dominate, its because he already put the power in you, he's a manufacturer he doesn't demand from his product what he didn't put in it. He said to all men, not to white people nor black people, not the wealthy nor to the poor, not to bill gates nor Oprah Winfrey but to all mankind because he put it in all men. Meaning as far as you are a creature called MAN you have the power to dominate your world

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Oprah Winfrey look at her beautiful,wealthy and powerful, she is in no way less or more special than you, the thing is she found her gift(seeds of dominion) served it, and you haven't.

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Mark Zuckerberg
Young guy nothing special about him, he is man like you and i, he found his gift and served it and now we look at him as a super human being, Aint nothing super about him, the guy just found his gift and served it.

You have the SEEDS OF DOMINION right now in that body of yours, that why God said be fruitful...the thing is to produce fruit you've got to have put in seeds first, normally he should have said be "seedful" but he didn't because he knows he already put the seed in you.

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8 billion people on earth all of us are equal, we all carry dominion in us, no single person is more endowed than the other, but there are some of us that may never get to exercise dominion like Mark Zuckerberg does because of the way we think of ourselves, but you aren't one cause i know from this moment you are going to start THINKING DIFFERENTLY about who you are, and what you can do.

You were never a nobody, you are being of dominion, created to rule and manage this place through the release of your gift, but the thing is you can't know your gift if you can't find your purpose for being created, now how do you do that? I would be talking about that in my next post.
I hope you were blessed by this post, stay tuned to this blog, i am about exposing you to the infinite power that lies within that body of yours, till we meet again, stay Great!

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Your actions make or maim you. We have the gifts to live a full life, our choices + God's Grace makes us who we are. God is not an unjust God to make some people inferior.

Wow this is a great deduction sir, thanks for going through this

Wow that's one amazing write-up up there. Dude you got motivation all stocked up in you. Keep on churning it out. You never know whom it might project to infinite heights.

Thanks a whole lot bro for believing in me, that's the dream to get us to see the power within


Even a little child can understand this.
We have that power embedded in us, but we sometimes don't exercise it cos of laziness and doubts. But once you're a go-getter, you can achieve so much more.

Beautiful article... Keep it up.

Happens to the best of us .
Has happened to me.

Im glad i snapped out of it


Nobody is a NOBODY

Strive to become that which you desire.
Youd be an overachiever 👌👌

Cool post.
