in inspiration •  7 years ago 
  1. Respect 3 People
    *. Teachers
    *. Parents
    *. Elderly

  2. Keep 3 things in you
    *. Honesty
    *. Faith
    *. Good Deeds

  3. Free yourself from 3 things
    *. Arrogance
    *. Cheating
    *. Debt

  4. Have control of 3 things
    *. Tongue
    *. Anger
    *. Soul (Self)

  5. Save yourself from 3 things
    *. Bad deeds
    *. Backbiting
    *. Jealousy

  6. Obtain 3 things
    *. Knowledge
    *. Manners
    *. Godliness

  7. Keep 3 things pure
    *. Body
    *. Clothes
    *. Thoughts

  8. Remember 3 things
    *. Your Creator
    *. Death
    *. Heaven & Hell

May the Almighty God continue to guide us and accept us, Amen
Kindly resteem for others!

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howdy there @iphenom!
I like these but show me the man who can control their tongue and
I will show you the definition of "self control" in the flesh!
how are you? what's the weather like there, is it winter there?