You Can Do Anything You Put Your Mind To

in inspiration •  6 years ago 

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Hello my friend and welcome back to another video. My name is Ken if you haven't dropped by my channel yet. If you like what you see, feel free to smash that subscribe / follow button around this video.

It is my aim here on Steem to edify and equip blockchain projects and their respective communities. I love learning about new Dapps and other projects that are adding value to our ecosystem and then sharing that information with you.

Sometimes I also post motivational content like this to help get you in the right mindset for success in any and all areas of your life. Right now I am focused more on business and finances, but your focus area might be different than mine which is OK.

It was a beautiful day outside so I grabbed my camera and took off down a bike trail about a mile from my home. I like to take time away from the computer to get in tune with nature and with myself to be honest. Once in a while it's nice to just think and reflect on your life and what you want it to look like in the future.

The main message that I would like to get across to you today is this...

You can do anything you put your mind to

I think often times we don't give ourselves enough credit as to what we are truly capable of achieving. You are more powerful than you can even imagine. In fact, you have so much untapped energy inside of you that it's ridiculous.

Please allow my words and my voice to penetrate into your soul today. It doesn't matter what you do for a living, what your background is, where you live, who your parents are / were, how old you are, etc.

None of that matters. You want to know what does matter? Your willingness and your eagerness to succeed in life. In other words, are you living your ideal life or are you at least making strides towards living your ideal life. Are you thinking thoughts that propel you closer to where you want to be?

More than likely, you grew up with your parents telling you that you had to go to school, get a good job, work for 40 years, then retire. Well guess what...that train of thought doesn't work anymore.

You used to be able to work the same job your whole life, but not anymore

With that said, the internet has leveled the playing field. You can be whoever it is you want to be and truly live your passion. You can start an online business that generates revenue while doing something in your area of interest that sets your soul on fire. You can even earn on platforms like Steem with an awesome community to surround you and cheer you on.

You have the ability to impact people across the world which is incredible in and of itself. The key is to continually grow and develop your skills as a leader. Read the books, watch the videos, envision your future... every single day. Become the type of person who attracts what you want into your life.

You only have one life which lasts around 90-100 years. The question becomes...what do you want your legacy to look like? What do you want to leave behind and who do you want to become in the process? Because it's not as much about the end goal, but about enjoying the process of reaching that end goal.

Listen up friend... if you're feeling down about your current circumstances, that means that one thing which is this:

You are focused on "what is" instead of what you want

When you tell it like it is, you will attract more of "what is". On the other hand, if you focus on the future and on what you want, then you will attract that which you want very quickly as you allow it into your life experience.

If you are feeling negative emotions in regards to what your bank account looks like right now, or what someone else earned on a Steem post, then you are placing a barrier between you and wealth. If you are feeling negative emotions right now surrounding that couple who always seems happy while you are single, then you are keeping Mr. or Mrs. Right away from you.

You see, it's all about energy. It's all about the way you feel about a certain topic. You can either express positive, futuristic thoughts about where you want to be, or, you can wallow in your pool of self-pity and completely sabotage your shot at real success. That decision is up to you on a daily basis.

Remember... you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to if you want it bad enough. I believe in you friend. If you enjoyed this, please drop a comment below and let me know. Until next time friend, have an amazing rest of your day.


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Very powerful message Ken. This was something that I needed to hear. I’m not living my dream life yet but I am making strides to get there. I’ve accomplished some pretty amazing things over the past few years and I’m looking forward to accomplishments. Life has been tougher than usual for me lately, but I haven’t let it get the best of me. In fact, I’ve decided to push myself even more because I know that it’s for an amazing cause. I love the messages you post because thy help fill others with so much power. It gives the reader/watcher a different perspective. One that you need in order to help you navigate and become a more capable you. I look forward to more of your talks and I’ve enjoyed the journey we’ve been on. Sorry I haven’t kept up with as many of your posts as I’d like to but that will definently change. Take care man! ✌️😃

I agree @kenmelendez.

I think getting what we want can also get easier with experience and age. It also helps if we've built up a foundation of security in our younger years, and already have some of thing things we want.

Envisioning what we desire and believing it will happen can still require effort though, even with those of us who have experience. It takes strength, faith and time everyday but I wouldn't have it any other way ✌

A very motivating, self driven and enthusiastic post. Believing in yourself is the first secret to success.

🙋Another awesome motivational post @kenmelendez ! im all ready finding myself getting more involved in other sites run off the steem blockchain like @steemhunt that I joined a couple weeks ago Since I was laid off . and that im loving all of this much more now even though steemit only pays pennies and theres not much people upvoting anymore , I can actually see that I could make money doing this in the future , once the SMT are released things will pick up a lot next spring!!
🙋I choose to keep up that energy and stay positive , while I live out in the country and actually love my life for once , away from the daily grind and extra bills associated with working and living in the city! If i can even just earn enough to survive on I will be very happy to keep doing what I love to do!!👍✌💕

thanks :)
subscribed !

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