There are 10 Scrolls in Napoleon Hill's book, "The Greatest Salesman In The World." I will be sharing them with you but to take things at pace, I will share at least one at a time.
Here are the first two with Scroll marked 1 being the most important as it guides and prepares you on how to handle the other nine scrolls.
Scroll Marked 1
I will create good habits and make them constant and a part of my everyday life. I will become a slave to them.
Scroll Marked 2
I will greet each day with love and appreciate it, treasure it, and praise it.
I will do it by appreciating all that life has to offer,
I will speak it by praising all it has to offer and by showing others that it has a lot to offer,
I will act it by loving all and showing your love in all that you do and encounter,
I will react to others actions by showing them love and teaching them to love. I will use love to teach others as well as myself. Love will guide and protect me always.
I will confront others by addressing them and showing them love, for if you show love, it glows inside you and makes you grow.
I will love myself for by loving myself, I will treat myself right, protect myself (Mind, Body and Spirit) and keep myself clean.
I will love all mankind because by this, I will kill all hate, anger, sorrow, and despair from both me and mankind.