Equality or Equity

in inspiration •  7 years ago 

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Hello friends and family hello steemit. I have been out for a very long while and I must say I missed a whole lot. Steemit has been my life lately as can stay a day without coming the the communty to see whats happening. I think am addicted, lol, but you can't blame me I have learnt a lot from this community and hope to learn a whole lot more.

To the topic of today I was chatting with a friend and this qestion poped up as we chatted for a while "what's your say on gender equality ". Most times when a lady ask that qestion she either want you to support the female gender or shut up ,it just my own opinion though. But in told her in as much as I believe in equality I also believe so much in equity. As usual she agreed a bit and gave room for me to give my explanation . That explanation I what I would love to share with you today , I hope it help improve our understanding not just on our genders but on all aspects of life.

In simple definition equality is state of state of been equal especially in state of status right and opportunities while equity can be said to be giving each and every one what they need to be successful . Treating every one equally is good as a matter of fact it's the first step in creating a better world. A world where by we careless about who a person is before we help or treat them nicely. But theres more to it , than just treating people equal, because one would not perform well or achieve the best results when you been treated equally with others. In my work place we had the argument about people better than the other and I told them that all fingers are not equal and someone said why should you be the smallest finger out if them all making a joke out if it. That's how life is we are not made with the same qualities, abilities , characteristics that why been treated all equally most times is not what's best for us . Imagine a system that caresless about ones abilities and disabilities would put everybody in the same situation expecting to produce the same result , some people are naturally slow thinkers , some awesome can't perform understand pressure , some cannot deliver when they have a very short time to do so. Should we say this set of people are useless or not fit for the society they find them selves wrong. Imagine a class room that has a monkey , elephant , goat ,tiger and a fish, and the teacher walks in a gives an assignment which stated that each of them should climb a tree. Of course the monkey will do jus fine , other animals might struggle , but the fish would never alive that assignment , that's what treating everyone equally does to us . What am trying to say is that even though the world is not a perfect place , we could do our own little thing in making sure it's a little perfect by identifying those area that need more attention and those that don't .

It's good the treat everyone equally , yes at least everyone could be given a chance but I feel there's more to it , more in the sense that their should be a fair world. A world that understands that some people need more resources than others to perform in certain situations. When we understand this I believe the world would be a more better place . Which do you choose ?

Designed by @korexe

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