The Celestine Prophecy: Insight 1 - Coincidences are actually Divine messages from the Universe...

in inspiration •  6 years ago 

Hello beautiful soul, I hope you are having a fabulous day so far. 🌈 ✨

Last week I began re-reading The Celestine Prophecy and again got swept away in the adventure and excitement contained in the book. I ended up writing a little book review explaining what the book is about, and why everyone should read it, which you can see here. I also mentioned that I would create individual posts to discuss each of the “Insights” discovered in the book, and today I’d like to talk about that first insight.

But first, a little backstory: The Celestine Prophecy is a fictional novel that tells the story of a man on an adventure through Peru to discover an old Manuscript containing many secrets on how human beings can and should evolve. It predicts a massive transformation in human society. The Manuscript contains 8 concepts, or “Insights” that can assist humans on their path to understanding the Universe and how it works, how we are all connected, and how we can continue to evolve and grow as a species. (To find out more about the book in general, check out my review in the link posted above)

While the story is fictional, I believe that the lessons and the information in the book are REAL. The actual “Manuscript” discussed in the book may be make-believe, but I think the insights contained in the manuscript are real lessons that all humans can, and should learn. These lessons are the secrets to living your most fulfilled life. The secrets to understanding the Universe, and how it communicates with us. The secrets to understanding the Law of Attraction, understanding energy, and understanding how we can get the most out of our lives and our interactions with each other. It was only a few years ago that I started down my own spiritual path; looking for answers to my questions about life, existence, and what it means to be truly alive, and as I continue down this path, these secrets present themselves to me more and more often. I know the “Insights” in this book are based on reality, because I have experienced most of them for myself, to a certain degree.

So join me as we dive deep into each Insight, exploring the meaning and learning how we can apply these lessons to our own lives, and begin living as our fullest, most vibrant selves.

Today I will discuss the First Insight: Becoming conscious of the “coincidences” in our lives.

(WARNING: This post contains “spoilers” about the Celestine Prophecy.)

Have you ever thought about someone, and then happen to run into them throughout the day? Have you ever imagined something happening to you, and then a short while later it actually happens? Have you ever had an intuition or a hunch about something you wanted to do, and then, when you had almost forgotten about it you meet someone or read something or go somewhere that leads to the very situation you envisioned?

Have you simply shrugged these occurrences off, assuming they are just interesting coincidences? Or have you considered there may be a deeper meaning? Maybe they aren’t coincidences at all, but actually the Universe’s way of speaking to you and giving you signs to follow…

In this post we will dive deeper into these questions and consider the idea that there is no such thing as a coincidence, or a “chance” encounter, because everything happens for a reason…

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What is the First Insight?

The Manuscript in the Celestine Prophecy is a document that predicts a massive transformation in human society. It predicts that it will begin taking place at the end of the 20th century, leading into the 21st century (aka, NOW). This transformation it speaks of begins with the First Insight: Becoming conscious of the mysterious coincidences in life.

"These coincidences are happening more and more frequently and that, when they do, they strike us as beyond what would be expected by pure chance. They feel destined, as though our lives had been guided by some unexplained force. The experience induces a feeling of mystery and excitement and, as a result, we feel more alive."

If we can begin to not only notice these coincidences, but to listen to them and see them as the mysterious way that the Universe communicates with us to lead us forward on our path, then we will begin to evolve and transform. If we can become conscious of these coincidences and begin looking for the deeper meaning in them, then we will begin to notice more and more coincidences taking place. We will begin to see that these coincidences are leading us towards our highest potential and purpose here on Earth.

The book goes on to explain that this first insight always begins with a sense of restlessness. A feeling of wanting more out of life. A feeling that life is all to ordinary. Then, when we experience these consequences we get a sense that there is something more. There is a bigger meaning to life and a force larger than ourselves at play. When we begin to feel restless and to search for something more, we begin the transformation.

"This is the experience that we’ve glimpsed and we’re now trying to manifest all the time. More people every day are convinced that this mysterious movement is real and that it means something, that something else is going on beneath everyday life. This awareness is the First Insight. [It] is a reconsideration of the inherent mystery that surrounds our individual lives on this planet. We are experiencing these mysterious coincidences, and even though we don't understand them yet, we know they are real."

Now, recognizing these coincidences is not a new experience. All throughout history people have noticed these coincidences. In fact, in the early 1920s analytical psychologist Carl Jung created a word to describe these coincidental experiences. He calls them “synchronicities” and they have been occurring for as long as humans have been alive. What’s different now, is the number of people becoming conscious of them at the same time.

When enough people begin to take these coincidental experiencecs seriously, and when enough people start to question the meaning of life; when this number of people reaches a “critical mass”, only then we will begin to find the answers.

"When a sufficient number of individuals seriously question what’s going on in life, we will begin to find out. The other insights will be revealed . . . one after the other. … and the culture will shift."

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How to apply this to your life

I know you’ve probably had at least one of these experiences in your life. No matter your age, your race, or your culture, the Universe has no bias. These coincidental experiences, or synchronicities, are happening all the time. They are “mini miracles” if you will, guiding us toward a better, more fulfilled life, and it is never too late or too early in life to start noticing them and working with them.

To begin working with the mysterious force of synchronicity, begin by accepting it to be true. Remind yourself each day that this power exists, and start looking for it in your life. Pay attention to your intuitive thoughts and hunches and allow yourself to follow those thoughts.

The first step is to identify your big questions. What are your short and long-term goals concerning your future? What is your dream? What are your desires? When you begin asking the right questions, you will begin getting intuitive thoughts that lead you to the answers.

Once you clearly identify your question, begin paying attention to your thoughts. Your dreams, daydreams, and thoughts hold answers to these questions. However, the answers and intuitive thoughts will most likely come when you least expect them. When you’re in the shower, while driving to work, while doing the dishes... If you lightly hold on to your question throughout the day, your unconscious mind will come up with a thought to direct you on the right path. If you feel called to go somewhere or reach out to someone without really understanding why the idea came to you, that could be it! Listen, and follow through with these thoughts. As long as your question is clearly defined, the thoughts and intuitions that come through should lead you to the answers.

It also helps if you can view your life as a spiritual process. If you can accept the fact that your life has a bigger meaning, and that there is a force bigger than yourself guiding you, then you can begin to truly BELIEVE in the existence of synchronicity and fully experience it’s power.

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There are messages and answers for us everywhere. We just need to be open to them, and to learn how to receive them... Why not start TODAY!?

What synchronicities have come up recently in your life? I’d love to hear about them. By hearing each other stories and experiences, we become more clear on what these synchronicities look like and can start to notice them more in our own lives, so please feel free to share in the comment section below!


Thank you for taking time to stop by and read my blog. I hope you have a beautiful and joyful day. Know that you are loved, and that you are exactly where you need to be.

I greatly appreciate any comments or questions, and of course, greatly appreciate every UPVOTE.

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Sending you my love and light:
🌈 Rachel

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  ¡  6 years ago 

oooh this post brings back SO many memories.. that book is a classic. although surprisingly unknown.. great that you are bringing us the essence of it all.... i can not remeber all the steps.. but i sure have climbed up a few since i first read it.. ! xx

I just reread it recently and it was like being in a time capsule. Still as relevant today as th day it was published. :)

Re-reading the book again a few years after my first time around brought me back to many memories as well. And it is so interesting to see how much I have grown on my own spiritual journey since my first time reading it. Back then, it was all so new, and it was so energizing and entertaining to hear about the insights. But now, I've actually experienced some of the insights myself and see how they relate to my real life. It's so cool reflecting on my own growth in this way.

I really think this is a book everyone should read.

Thanks for reading! Hope you're enjoying reliving the insights this was as well!

I love that you are teasing out and re-presenting these teachings, Rachel. So important! I just reread CP (the whole series!) recently and had so much affirmed to me. That you are sharing it and I am reading again is also no coincidence!! :) A cosmic underscore!

haha awesome!!! I still haven't read the rest of the series, but you have definitely inspired me to get my hands on the next books. I loved re-reading the first one and it's been so fun to reflect on my own growth since the first time I read it. Thanks for the inspiration to read the rest of the series. I'm sure there is much to be learned from those insights as well. 🌞💗