TThe walking Child

in inspirational •  8 years ago 

baby-walking.jpgIts always a joy watching children play and their life in general. There are always lots of lessons to learn from them.
We would explore their life's in a context in this note to see how we can draw strength from them when we go throw tough times.
In times when things go wrong and you seem not to be able to find your feet I would want you to remember this and you might even be in a situation right now, I want you to know that it will pass too like all other phase in life.
Watching kids grow up and be great lessons for adults to grow young and deal with the challenges of having to go through life.
Have you ever watched a child that is learning to take their first steps and watch how their parents respond to them it could be so amazing.
Picture this scene, parents where in the living room having a wonderful discussion. All of a sudden their attention is drawn to the little toddler who stands up take a step and with a thud hits the ground.
Parents rush to him in ecstatic mode, junior took his first step. Over the next few weeks that would be their subject of conversation and they would rally round that child to see that he gets all the support he needs to finally make two steps, three steps until he gets to walk.
The moral from this is that the child had failed to walk when he took the first, second, third and all the steps it took the child to finally walk. But through failure this innocent child learns to walk and become a master at walking.
In life when we begin to grow up circumstances of life begin to force us to loose our childish innocence and we begin to develop an adult mentality that doesn't support in most cases our learning from our mistakes. We are branded failures, dullards and all names they can find until the burden weighs down the affected soul.
While I don't advocate making an habit of failure, I would want to say that when you do fail like the child pick yourself back up and that your second step. This is a mindset that will free us to learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others so we can become better in the process.
Remember, an expert was once a beginner.
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