in inspirational •  7 years ago 

Easier Going Down, Costly Going Up
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It is easier to cycle down a cliff than to cycle up the cliff. When you cycle down, you just retain your legs on the pedals, without peddling, but to go up, you must exert energy, to peddle the bike, at some point, you feel the pains on your tighs, you get exhausted at times, but you keep peddling till you get to the top.
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You can run down a stairs with little or no pains, but to run up the stairs, you will feel the energy.
It takes less energy to go down, but more energy to go up.

So is life, it costs anyone very little to cause a demotion, but the cost of going high, promotion, climbing the ladder of success is expensive. It comes with a cost, an energy you must exert.

If you want to keep doing down the success ladder in life, DO NOTHING; if you want to keep going up the success ladder, PUT IN ENERGY, PAY THE COST, ENDURE THE PAINS

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