7 Killer Tips for a Successful Social Media Marketing

in instagram •  6 years ago 

Social media marketing can create quality leads and drive sales to your brand, or on the other hand, it can be a big waste of time and a task-oriented dud! It depends on how you use it. You should know how to create, manage and measure your overall plans.

If you are trying to achieve successful social media marketing, then you must overcome a few common challenges. Spending enough time, creating high-quality content and measuring the results are all important if you mishandle them, they will cause you troubles.

But don’t worry, we have a step by step plan that would help you go through it.

1-Identify your social media marketing goals

You should start with your goal setting before anything to be successful in social media marketing. So, use a smart goal setting strategy to create a foundation for your social media marketing.

Your goals should be:

  • Unique and specific: goals like “get more ” doesn’t help you pinpoint your objective. Goals should nail down precisely what is expected of the initiative.
  • Relevant: your social media marketing goals must tie into your overall goals. Goals like building an audience, increasing website traffic or boosting your brand. Just make sure your goal related to the bigger picture.
  • Measurable: you should be able to find out if you reach your goal or you missed the
  • Attainable: your goals shouldn’t be out of reach. Don’t go overboard with expectations.

    2-Identify your main audience

Your content won’t be useful unless it’s crafted explicitly for who you are trying to target.

  • Bring down the pain points: you should make everything more comfortable for your buyers.

  • Customer support survey: talk to your audience. What is their most common question? By knowing this, you can take in the content which is engaging and interests your targets.

    3-Select the best platform

You shouldn’t try to cultivate followers on all social media channels. Because the managing of them can get overwhelming and a waste of time.

To find the best social media platform for your business, you should consider two things:

  • Who is my audience?: you should know your audience to find out which platform is more suitable for your social media marketing.
  • Where are my competitors?: find out which channels your competitors are using and look at their followers. You should be on every channel they are on.

Successful social media marketing needs a lot of time to manage, so it’s better for you to choose one or two channels and invest only in them than five channels and spread the message to thin!

4-Be consistent

You should be consistent on your social media platform, or your audience will quickly forget you.

  • Write content: keep your audience in mind while creating content. Blogs and webinar invitations are smart choices.
  • Curate content: post relevant information and articles written by others to fill your social media calendar, but don’t be sales-y.
  • Listen to your audience: use social media platforms to listen to what competitors and your audience are interested in.

5-Grow your followers

The more people see your content, the more result you will give. You should work on increasing followers on your social media channels that are relevant to your product or service.

  • Current customers: just make sure your existing happy customers are following your social media account. Product updates, industry information and your new content are essential for customers.
  • Potential customers: people who scroll around and read your content and are likely to follow you. It’s important to encourage them to subscribe to your blog or follow your social account for future updates. You can use contests to gain followers on these audiences.
  • Advertisements: ads are an excellent way to reach your customers who would otherwise never come into following you.
  • Social media automation tools: you can use automation tools available for your social media account to promote your brand and use less time online.

6-Engage your followers

If you want to be successful in social media marketing, you need to find a way to increase engagement with your audience.

  • Tag them: if you know someone from your followers who are interested in specific information, tag them on your relevant posts. This shows them touches and lets you increase the quality of your social media effort.

  • Respond: social media is a two-way street, you should respond personally to your followers, answer their questions, comment and like other posts.

  • Links: include links in your posts, let your followers know what you want them to do next. Link to your website, blogs or other CTA (call-to-action). You can use some platforms to create a source page for your links and place the general link on your bio anywhere you want.

  • Use hashtags: let people find you by searching hashtags related to your business. Use different hashtags (not too much) to grow your followers and build good brand awareness.

    7-Monitor your results

Break the loop by holding up the results to your goals and see how they compare. Or else, you won’t know which strategies are working and which ones don’t.

  • Follower numbers: total up the amount of your new received followers on each social media platform, and compare it to your goals. If you are interesting enough, you will consistently gain new followers.

  • Engagements: measure the number of likes, comments, and shares from your audience. Find out which content gets the most significant

  • Clicks and hits: you should analyze which one of your links is more popular, and which one has the most significant hits! This way you will know your followers take the next step or not.


Successful social media marketing affects a lot on your business, but it needs the right strategies and a lot of effort. It’s common to start out excited and get bored and lose commitment in the middle of efforts.

So, stick with it stay focused on these seven tips, and you will boost your company.
source: https://il.ink/blog/social-media/7-killer-tips-for-a-successful-social-media-marketing/

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