Instagram to Pinterest sharing trick

in instagram •  7 years ago 

Are you using Instagram to cross-promote your content?

The absence of clickable links on Instagram can be a problem for your Instagram marketing strategy if you are trying to get clickthroughs from Instagram to your site.

Instagram has gone some way to helping us with a help themselves approach by allowing links on Instagram stories. However, you need to qualify for links to stories by either being a verified member or by having a business account with more than 10000 followers associated with the account.


How to cross-promote with Instagram.jpg

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Doesn't that just make it even more complicated by involving a 3rd party tool that pulls from both platforms API's?

Have you read the full article?

Yes what i got out of it is now you can post to Insta and it replicates on Pinterest and then i assume you add a link to your pinterest board in your Bio and if a user finds an insta pic and wnats to see more they go to pinterest and then find the direct link

Essentially crossing 3 sites to get to what they want, i think the CTR will be very low.

Do you have any stats on this user journey yet? Has it worked for any brands?

No that's not it. All im saying here is if you are using instagram then create a Pinterest board and share to that at the same time. After that, you never need go to Pinterest. The shares will link back to Instagram but that's not the goal any way the goal is just to get more people to your site and you have your site link in your bios. You get them from insta and Pinterest.

Thank you for giving knowledge for promote content by instagram . I had no knowledge about it.

You do now ;-)

Very useful information! I have upvoted, will help me alot. Thanks!

Thank you