You’ve got an Instagram account. You’ve created what you perceive to be unique, creative, engaging and intriguing content….yet the number of likes, followers and overall engagement you are getting is not as high as you want or were expecting. What do you do? It is very tempting to buy Instagram likes straight off the bat, and while buying likes isn’t actually a bad idea (it can be a very good one), it may be wise to implement other strategies alongside this to boost your Instagram account even further. Right now you’re definitely thinking, ’How can I do this?’, well, my friend, relax. I’ve got some great advice for you that will help you get your Instagram account on the map. Once you’ve implemented this, you can run along and purchase all the likes you want (see the link at the bottom of the page if you need pointing in the right direction regarding this).
Get yourself out there. This is relevant to everything in life, and if you want your Instagram account to be a success, then it is advice you should heed. If you’re not promoting yourself, your business and your brand then how can you expect people to find you? It’d be like creating the most amazing, content-rich website on the whole of the internet, but not allowing Google to index it. If you want to boost the number of likes and followers, then you must cross-promote yourself.
If you’re using Instagram, then you are more likely than not also using other forms of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and all of the other social networking sites and applications out there. If you’re not then we would highly recommend doing so. Despite over 700 million people using Instagram, not everyone does, but if you are able to use other forms of social media to incentivise people to sign up to Instagram and like and follow you, then it’s win-win. This is always the first strategy you should use. For example, if you’ve taken a series of photographs (and posted them all on Instagram), head on over to Facebook and post one photo and explain that if users want to see the rest of the album they can view it on Instagram. Be sure to use a custom URL to track clicks as this way you can see how many people migrated from Facebook to Instagram and if it would be worthwhile doing the same thing again.
Another critical factor is having your social media accounts/links/buttons in other forms of communication and media, i.e. your website(s), email footer(s), blog etc. This works regardless of what form of media people are viewing you on as they will be exposed to your brand and Instagram account. It is also advisable to include it on letterheads, packaging and things of that (offline) nature. You need to drive home your social media accounts through every available avenue.
The use of hashtags is one of the primary cores of Instagram, and they can be great for promoting your Instagram account. The best way to utilise them is to find what is popular and create your own hashtag (usually your brand or a gimmick related to your brand). One thing you definitely don’t want to do, however, is to use too many hashtags as this looks unprofessional and spammy.
Now that has been covered we can address the question at the top of this article: ‘Should you buy Instagram likes?’. From carrying out research in this area, it is obvious that buying Instagram likes is an excellent way of increasing your popularity. Accounts with lots of likes on their content (and followers) are perceived as being more popular, trustworthy and reputable, so if you want to give your account and content a boost then get yourself over to: