The Proven Strategy for Increasing Instagram Reel Views

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Instagram Reels have exploded in popularity, becoming one of the best ways for creators to share short, fun videos and engage with their audience. As Reels take on a more significant role in the Instagram algorithm, getting more Instagram Reel views is key for accounts wanting to grow their reach and visibility.

But in the sea of countless Reels being posted daily, how can you make sure yours stand out and get viewed by more users? Here we break down the proven strategy for increasing Instagram Reel views.

Optimize your reels for more Instagram Reel Views

The first step to getting more Instagram Reel views is making it easy for your content to be found. Tactics like using relevant hashtags and trending music can help put your Reels in front of users most likely to be interested.

Use On-Theme Hashtags: Include a targeted mix of popular Reels effective hashtags like #reels and niche hashtags related to your content so the right users can find your Reels.

Leverage Trending Sounds: Use current, viral sounds and music tracks gaining traction on Reels. This taps into what's already resonating with viewers.

Post at Peak Times: Pay attention to when your target audience is most active on Instagram and aim to post your Reels during those high-traffic windows.

Engage with Other Accounts: Be active liking, commenting, and sharing Reels from accounts in your niche to associate yourself with that community.

Also Read - How to get more Instagram reel views?

Craft captivating Instagram Reels

The content itself is a make or break for getting Instagram Reel views. You need to grab attention fast while telling an engaging story or conveying your message clearly.

Hook Viewers Up Front: Capture attention immediately with bold on-screen text, eye-catching effects, or teasers of what's to come.

Use Transitions: Creative transitions from scene to scene help guide viewers through your storyline and add production polish.

Leverage Text Overlays: Well-placed text reinforces your narrative, grabs focus, and makes Reels more scannable for viewers.

Feature a Clear Subject: Have a distinct person, product, activity, etc. as the subject throughout rather than unrelated, random shots.

Pick Fitting Music: Songs and sounds should match the vibe and energy of your content. Trending audio is ideal.

End Strong: Close your Reel with a clear call-to-action, memorable moment, or cliffhanger bringing viewers back for more.

Promote your reels to boost views on Instagram

Creating awesome Reels is only half the Instagram Reel views equation. You also need to put effort into sharing them across platforms and using ads to reach new potential followers.

Post to Your Feed: Share your Reels on your Instagram feed to expose them to your existing followers who may not check Reels often.

Cross-Promote on Other Social Channels: Post your Reels on Facebook, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, etc. to distribute them across your other audiences.

Use Paid Ads: Run Instagram and Facebook ads to push your top-performing Reels out more widely to targeted users.

Collaborate with Nano/Micro-Influencers: Get influencers in your niche to share your Reels with their highly targeted, engaged follower base.

Go Live with Reels: Use Instagram's new Live Reels feature to stream live, interact with viewers, and increase exposure.

Repost User-Generated Content: Reshare UGC that uses your audio, features your product, or is related to your brand.

Analyze Performance and Continuously Optimize

Gaining Instagram Reel views is an ongoing process. Consistently analyze the data to see what's resonating and make your future Reels even better.

Identify Top Performing Reels: Check which specific Reels are getting the most views, engagement, and shares to inform future content.

Note High-Traffic Times and Locations: See when your audience is most active and which regions view your Reels the most.

Read Comment Insights: Dive into what viewers are saying about your top Reels. Discover what they respond to positively.

See Which Sounds and Hashtags Work Best: Determine which trending sounds and niche hashtags drive the most views to incorporate again.

Review Competitor Reels: Research what types of Reels similar accounts create and perform well to inspire your ideas.

Post More of Your Top Content Types: Double down on creating Reels around your highest-performing themes, topics, and formats.

Keys for maximizing reach

For maximising reach it is important to understand Instagram Reach vs Impressions

In addition to the strategy above, here are some best practices to expand your overall Reels reach and boost views on Instagram:

Post Daily: Share at least one quality Reel per day to increase the frequency and chances of going viral.

Vary Posting Times: Spread out new Reels throughout peak audience hours rather than batch posting. You should know the best time to post on Instagram.

Stay Active on Instagram: Maintain your overall presence by posting Stories, feed posts, live streams, etc. in addition to Reels.

Engage with Your Audience: Be active in responding to comments, and messages and engaging with your community.

Collaborate with Complementary Accounts: Work with others in your niche to tap into each other's audiences.

Optimize Your Profile: Include relevant keywords in bio, link to best Reels, drive to other channels, etc.


Gaining Instagram Reel views requires an intentional, multipronged strategy. You need compelling content optimized for discovery, smart promotion across channels, constant analysis of performance data to improve, and persistence in actively engaging your audience daily.

It takes time to build traction, but by following proven best practices you can gradually increase your Reel views. The more you hone in on which types of Reels your audience responds to best, the more success you’ll see. With this comprehensive approach, your next viral Reel could help take your Instagram presence to the next level!

FAQs About Increasing Instagram Reel Views

Still have questions about getting more Instagram Reel views? Here are answers to some commonly asked questions:

1. What is the ideal length for an Instagram Reel?
Instagram Reels can be up to 90 seconds long. Shorter Reels around 15-30 seconds tend to gain more engagement. Test different lengths to see what your audience responds to best.

2. How many Reels should I aim to post per day or week to boost views on Instagram?
Posting one high-quality Reel daily is a good goal. You can experiment with posting multiple Reels per day, spaced out during peak audience times.

3. What are the best times to post Instagram Reels?
There is no universal best time that applies to all audiences. Check your Instagram analytics to see when your followers are most active and engage the most. Then schedule Reels during those windows.

4. Which hashtags are best to use in Reels?
Use a strategic mix of popular Reels hashtags (like #reels and #reelsinstagram) along with targeted niche hashtags relevant to your content and audience

5. Should I always use trending audio and songs in Reels?
Viral sounds can help Reels gain more views quickly. But also incorporate some original audio that fits your brand identity. The right music can enhance the content.

6. What are some ways to repurpose reel content to boost views on Instagram?
Download your top-performing Reels and turn them into YouTube videos, IGTV posts, carousels for the feed, or even short montages combining multiple Reels.

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