Social Media Profiling - A Reliable & Proven Trick to Customer Retention

in instastories •  4 years ago 


"Customer is King", a globally popular phrase holds true for every business irrespective of its domain, size and market presence. Though it's quite challenging, still each business ensures to utilise the best available resources and technologies to enhance as well as retain its customers.

Determining the mood, likes and dislikes of the people has been one of the most effective and proven customer retention methods for many years. Previously, businesses would determine it using the traditional methods such as Direct Interaction, Mail Conversation and Marketing Survey. In this technology dominating modern era, the methods to determine the taste of customers have become more reliable and result oriented. 'Social Media Profiling' is a contemporary method which is in trend nowadays. The growing popularity of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat led to the invention of this unique technique. It is basically a method of tracking people's behaviour and mood by following the content they post on social media platforms. Its result producing abilities in a short span of time has raised the eyebrows of many businessmen who would use social media only for marketing and advertising. Now-a-days, there are several data analytics companies in the market which provide professionally driven 'Social Media Profiling' service.

Let's see, how does 'Social Media Profiling' go a long way in retaining the customers?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The technique helps to determine the most appropriate time to talk to the customer. Whether the customer care executive attends a call or puts it on hold could depend on the last Facebook post, tweet or Instagram picture shared by the customer. In this way, businesses can avoid losing a customer for sure. It also contributes to deciding the right tone of conversation with the customers. Through profiling, you can easily predict the mood of the customer and can use the most suitable tone to talk. If the customer has posted a jovial or funny post on his/her wall, the executive is advised to talk in a friendly tone.

Determining the Opinion of the Mass

Suppose you run a media house which produces Daily Soap and short Ads. Due to some reason, they are unable to keep-up the expectations of the audience, and are failing badly. Now, it's vital to determine the root cause of the problem to find a concrete resolution. 'Social Media Profiling' can do the trick here!! Using this technique, professionals put the conversation of the audience about the show on track, for a certain period of time. It helps to determine the cause of failure through analysing the opinion of the mass.

Practising Customise Marketing

Once the business recognises the mood and interest of the customers through Social Media Profiling, it becomes easier to customise the scheme & offers accordingly. Customise marketing is majorly practiced in retail and banking sectors. For a movie buff, they include a free movie ticket in their plan. And, for someone who travels a lot across several destinations, they include a handsome discount in their scheme. This proven technique has completely changed the ways businesses would use to retain their clients in the past.

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Thanks… I read an interesting article on market segmentation in the gaming industry, which I’ve attached

customer retention for gaming