- I have a Huawei Phone. Its quite nice. I thought it came with an Instruction Manual. You know when you take something out of the box and think 'ooooo, but let's just get it started first.' Well I happened to have bought other things around the same period-a mobile router(thin manual(Cross)), an android box(thin manual(Cross)) so did not fully examine that manual I thought I had as I had a few things on the go. Well a week or so went past and I thought OK let's have a phone readup. Reference Phone jumping back in time to earlier menu screens with very recent things not added on it and a 'so so recently' added banking login not working, the phones home screens seemingly having reverted and looking different to what they had 'yesterday.' Note a fun game called Tank Raid I lost progress to here and I had caught it at game launch and was making my safe touch proof (only by timezone) and had allready posted a players game best on my overall character which should have only got better and even more unhinderable (isn't that an airship lol... Yes,.... It isn't.. Lol just kidding and yes it really isn't) . Anyway I could not find the instruction manual(perhaps I was mistaken on a thick but small manual) so I thought I'd just contact Huawei and enquire if they sell paper instruction manuals to their phones. I said I would be more than happy to pay for a paper instruction manual if they sell them on their own for my phone. They replied they don't sell them as there is no need as they are online.How totally and utterly stupid. How are you supposed to read and DO if that's the case? Memory, oh yeah that's how all instruction manuals should work. Sarcasm on my own comment there. Perhaps they want you to print out a gazillion sheets and staple them. Oh so professional that will look. I DON'T LIKE ONLINE. It's fluid. It's link based. Best explanation why I don't like it-too tamper and not know easy-like getting in a car after someone has tampered with your GPS and it says you're in John Ogroats when you're actually in Lands End. What would be worse is if those people who tampered with your GPS made Land's End look like John Ogroats. Err but these people sound Dick Van Dyke Scottish. I have a great phone which has temperamental glitches for want of a better phrasing. Sorry guys mobile phones/cellphones are intended mobile by nature. Not selling separate paper instruction manuals for the phones I view as a big mistake. Oo does that phone have screen transfer or doesn't it(oh yeah online says.. Err no I'd have preferred the paper truth as opposed to what is being forced upon us). I DO NOT think it a coincidence that the computer gaming industry started this trend. I am a customer. Its not a case of pampered or not. Its good salesmanship and thinking of your customer. You really should provide manuals, folks, u really should...Music is so cathartic. Frustration. My phone does not copy and paste image to clipboard(there is no functionality in gallery, was there???????????????????? I thought there was.). Music makes you feel better. A nice 0800 regime, and makes you feel so much better(CLIPBOARD). Set goals. Weightloss come WEIGHTLOSS. Routine check. Routine helps it be achieved. Have a nice day folks. Read thread title. Oh, it's an Honour View 10 incase anyone's interested. (And for those starting a sentence off of what I have just put with 'How can..', err apart from now have I ever asked "Was the sky ever technicolor?", "Was that cat ever a dog?". I repeat apart from now."Err if I actually mention something then its right in that it can't be argued as 'not mentioned', correct??". Thus..). [Personal ref music gddy all ready but this which I am grateful for schedules it as its a check for auto update after believed auto d. And routine and keeping with it is what it's all about. YOU as much as me, and me as much as you, remember that, even that senator, how's your campaign going Sir?? Another personal ref kkstrtr mk2. Allready had pypl mk2]
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