This is my first ever custom Kontakt instrument coded with custom knobs and a User Interface that was created by a Steemit artist named @kookyan in collaboration. The project took 6 Weeks to complete and I am proud to present and share this with the rest of the community. The Instrument features over 300 megabytes of high quality noise canceled realistic Ukulele strings from three different Ukulele's based around the KSP-Kontakt engine.

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The effects are minimal in application, over time as I upgrade the code people will be able to select effects from a drop down menu to assign within the HUD. But I need more funding to achieve my goals to find the time to create and code more instead of focusing on finding a Full Time Job.
Plans for future upgrades include
- Customizable Ukulele tunings
- Customizable Ukulele Sprites
- Instrument Animations
- Selectable effects
- More pages for parameter manipulation