Standing in Your Truth, With Integrity

in integrity •  6 years ago 

These days, it seems the media and the greater world around us is filled with deceptions, manipulations, "Fake News" and all manners of other negative energy.

On a daily basis, we are bombarded with messages that suggest that the only way to "get anywhere" in life is to engage in sketchy behavior.

We discover that leading sports figures, politicians and public individuals came to their "success" through cheating, not through merit.

What is your highest ideal?

We even witnessed a "variation" of it here in the Steemit community this past week, in the form of the NetCoins voting contest. We watched one "competitor" zoom ahead, only to fall back when many of their votes were erased due to voting manipulation. Then we watched another zoom ahead, and once again fall back because they had "cheated" in some way. At the end, we saw a relative "unknown" suddenly quintuple their vote total during the last 12 hours to — basically — come from nowhere, to overtake Steem in the last two hours.

What do these behaviors mean, for those who feel like they should be able to navigate life from a place of honesty and personal integrity? How do we stay spiritually and morally "whole" in such and environment?

It is easy to dismiss the above with a platitude like "that's just human nature," which allows us to remains passive and unengaged, even in the face of obvious wrongdoing.

Add to that, that we live in an age where "calling out" someone's ill deeds can actually be risky; threats to yourself, threats to your family may ensue.

What do we do?

Charting our own course with integrity

Caring, and Not Caring

Oddly enough, it often turns out that the best approach to truly caring and making a difference in these situations is to "not care."

That is, to "not care" in the way of the young child in the fairy tale "The Emperor's New Clothes," who spoke up and declared "But he's not WEARING any clothes!" in the face of a crowd that was going along to get along to gain the emperor's favor.

"It either IS... or it ISN'T" is a phrase I often use with clients and people seeking my ministry.

Standing in your truth and having integrity means that when you experience something wrong, you still know it is "wrong," even if a majority want to sweep it under the rug.

The famous quote "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing," typically attributed to Edmund Burke or John F. Kennedy comes to mind.

Truly caring about goodness and right action means that we NOT stand by and "do nothing" in the face of evil, but stand willing to incur the possible wrath or judgments of others when we shine light where there is darkness — even when that "darkness" may be publicly endorsed by institutions or a majority.

Bright Blessings to all!

You are not alone!
(Graphic is our own)

The White Light Express Mission Statement:

Since October 2001, the mission of the White Light Express has been to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.

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I love the first picture with the mountain top!

Thank you, and thank you for visiting!

Of course :-)