Your Intelligence Software Upgrade is Available Now!

in intelligence •  7 years ago 

Every era brings with it a metaphor for human intelligence. As we fly through the information age it is hard to find an explanation of the brain that does not link it to a supercomputer. With all of the talk of mental downloads, brain hacks, upgrades, and brain computing, one could make the assumption that our intelligence comes from a receiver located in the brain. But that is not how the brain has always been viewed, and our understanding of it is changing yet again.

Before we move into a discussion on intelligence and how it evolves as we pass through the ages at an exponential rate, let’s discuss how we got to where we are now - comparing our brains to computers and worshiping logic.

Centralized by the Industrial Age

Before the information age existed we emerged from the Industrial Revolution dirty and tired from working in factories and mines. The Industrial Age perfected the art of assembly lines and mass production. Soon systems were being created that centralized economy, and the man who could control the supply or produce the cheapest product the fastest won. Oddly, at this same time a centralization of intelligence happened as well. Our intelligence center was defined as the brain and cognitive thought. Emotional intelligence was considered untrustworthy and inferior.

Moving forward into the information age, humans are networking like never before; or rather we are finally realizing that we are all connected, all one. Proprietary information hoarded by one organization is shared for free by another in this push and pull of luring in paying customers. Capitalism is on the verge of its demise as we all remember how to make, grow, and produce things on our own while using advanced technology to do it in a fraction of the time. Long gone will be the days of production factories. There is a massive decentralization happening as we all build upon our human network.

Where is Intelligence Going?

Perhaps the next age is the Making Age or Application Age. We won’t need the mass manufacturers anymore because we will have a 3-D printer that does that for us. It will be a time of applying all of the knowledge we have been acquiring through digital obsession. We don’t need to hire someone to fix something around the house because we have detailed, step-by-step instructions on YouTube, or a neighbor in our network who will trade services in exchange for goods. We won’t need to go outside of our small social network to survive anymore. These new models of economy are already emerging through up-and-coming sites like (a social network centered around bartering services and creating a symbiotic community without a need for currency).

So how does this decentralization revolutionize our intelligence centers and how we access them? This means that our brain’s will no longer hold “God” status. We will start to acknowledge every intelligence center within our system, and view them all as one cohesive unit with equal and relevant players in an intricate balance.

A Sneak Peak on the New Intelligence Upgrades

Meditation will evolve, too, as we acknowledge the importance of the 3-D data our brain can funnel into the system without giving it complete control. Rather than try to eliminate all thought and control it, we can start to become the observer of our thoughts, a technique that has caught on due to books like Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now.” When our obsession with thought (and controlling it) has been released, we can start to access other intuitive intelligence centers in our physical system like our heart and our gut. It is no coincidence that these intelligence centers are names of vital organs.

Science is finding that the heart sends more signals to the brain than the other way around as we once believed. We are learning that lack of gut bacteria alters memory function. All of our internal organs are responding to the stimuli in the environment that surrounds us, all of them giving us data signals to receive and process.

Accessing all of our intelligence system, basically acknowledging our body as one cluster of receivers to a multitude of information, rather than a body with a brain as an antenna, will spur a movement of whole-body conscious decisions. This can only radiate outward into decisions that take our entire human network into consideration, then our entire earth network. Which really means that we have the potential to turn this upcoming Making Age, Age of Decentralization, into the age of Enlightenment where we finally remember just how connected we truly are.


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