A few years ago a big telescope in Puerto Rico was ready to collapse and the news account said humanity will suffer because our ability to detect incoming asteroids and aliens will be weakened. SETI. The Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. Good for a morning chuckle.
We all know the premise behind the search. If incoming radio signals are NON RANDOM, as are the radio signals of KFWB, for example, we will know they originated from an intelligent source. Bravo... but No shit Sherlock.
My question is this. Why do the nitwits at the National Academy of Sciences still insist publicly that the extremely complex and non random code embedded in the DNA of the first living organism on earth, blue green algae, had to be exactly what it is for the organism to be included in a category called LIVING, but insist this miraculous information processing storage and retrieval system had an accidental NON intelligent origin?
There is a book entitled Signature in the Cell by Stephen Meyer that proves the DNA molecule could NOT have originated randomly if it had 100 trillion, trillion, quadrillion years to do so. Impossible. There are other books but this one stands out. It CANNOT be refuted by mathematicians, information theoricts, computer scientists, organic chemists, molecular biologists or Artificial Intelligence scientists. Stephen Meyer is part of the Discovery Institute in Seattle, dedicated to exposing the vast amount of evidence for intelligent design as the root of origins for not only our universe, but life as well.
His work, books, videos, public appearances, interviews, lectures, public debates, conference participation and so forth, almost like a campaign for public office, has necessarily taken on the additional agenda of exposing the extreme bias and censorship present in the ESTABLISHMENT scientific community protecting the DARWINIST paradigm from evidence for intelligent design. Sound familiar?
Why? What are these progressives so afraid of that they must lie and censor and circle their wagons to keep Christians out of the affairs of our country as controlled by humanists for 100 years at the political think tank and university level. Here it is. GOD. GOD is a threat. He is a threat because he represents the freedom from every type of psychological, scientific, political and cultural bond ever used to control a population. A Christian CANNOT be bound and chained spiritually or mentally. Killed. Tortured. Repressed. Imprisoned. Yes. But not controlled. We will NEVER be silenced.
Anyway, whatever tax dollars were being spent on the SETI search would be much better spent on the refinement of our understanding of the background radiation ubiquitously present in the universe and one of the major factors confirming a BEGINNING for our universe. By the way, if some layman with a trivial exposure to Eastern mysticism, tries to tell you that a universe could begin without a FIRST CAUSE, ignore it. Read one book by William Lane Craig or William Dembski or Michael Behe or Michael Denton or Stephen Meyer or Hugh Ross and your eyes will be opened. There IS a God and our scientific community knows it.